0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

react-native-vs-charts v0.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago

React Native View Style Charts

NOTE: This library is no longer maintained.

A charting library built using only View and Style

View Style Charts Demo



Run under your React Native project folder:

npm install react-native-vs-charts --save


var {
  // axis and scale
  // the charts
  // helper functions
} = require('react-native-vs-charts');

Data Objects

There are 2 kinds of data we use to render the charts.

For bar charts and line charts:

var DatasetPropType = ReactPropTypes.shape({
  name: ReactPropTypes.string,
  primaryColor: ReactPropTypes.string,
  secondaryColor: ReactPropTypes.string,
  values: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.number).isRequired

For pie chart:

var DataPropType = ReactPropTypes.shape({
  name: ReactPropTypes.string,
  primaryColor: ReactPropTypes.string,
  secondaryColor: ReactPropTypes.string,
  value: ReactPropTypes.number.isRequired

The name is used for identification and legend; primaryColor and secondaryColor have different use in different charts.

Bar Chart

You can create clustered or stacked bar charts vertically or horizontally.

var BarChart = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    // Bar options
    // space between bars / bar clusters
    spacing: ReactPropTypes.number,
    // space between bars in bar cluster
    clusterSpacing: ReactPropTypes.number,
    // border width of the bar, uses secondaryColor from dataset
    barBorderWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,

    datasets: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(DatasetPropType).isRequired,

    // Scale of the chart
    valueScale: ScalePropType.isRequired,

    // Style
    orientation: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['vertical', 'horizontal']),
    displayMode: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['clustered', 'stacked']),
    style: View.propTypes.style

Line Chart

Line chart only supports one orientation. Points and area are optional.

var LineChart = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    // data
    datasets: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(DatasetPropType).isRequired,
    valueScale: ScalePropType.isRequired,
    // options
    categoryAxisMode: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['point', 'range']),
    valueAxisMode: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['normal', 'inverted']),
    showArea: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showPoints: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    // styling
    lineWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,
    pointRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,
    pointBorderWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,
    style: View.propTypes.style


The charts render without axes and scale by default, you can wrap the charts with this special component to show scale, values and names of the dataset. Children of this component are rendered on top of one another, so you can easily combine a bar chart with line chart. Shared properties are passed down to children so that you don't need to declare them again.

var Axes = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    // Category axis options
    showCategoryAxisLine: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showCategoryLabels: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showCategoryTicks: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showCategoryGridlines: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    categoryAxisStyle: axisStylePropType,
    categoryAxisMode: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['point', 'range']),
    categoryLabelStyle: Text.propTypes.style,
    categoryLabels: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.string),

    // Value axis options
    showValueAxisLine: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showValueLabels: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showValueTicks: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    showValueGridlines: ReactPropTypes.bool,
    valueAxisStyle: axisStylePropType,
    valueAxisMode: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['normal', 'inverted']),
    valueScale: ScalePropType.isRequired,
    valueLabelStyle: Text.propTypes.style,

    // Style
    orientation: ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['vertical', 'horizontal']),
    style: View.propTypes.style

Known Issues

  1. Points in line chart are clipped on Android


  1. Pie Chart