0.10.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-native-web_improved v0.10.0

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Last release
6 years ago


batteries-included version of react-native-web

This module piggy-back on top of react-native-web adding support for the missing Components and APIs availables in vanilla React Native.

Currently it add support for Alert, AlertIOS, DrawerLayoutAndroid, Modal, RefreshControl, StatusBar, TabBarIOS and WebView, being the main missing ones TouchableNativeFeedback and NavigatorIOS. If there's some API you are missing and know of a module that "polyfill" its functionality or you can implement it yourself, don't exhitate to create an issue asking to include it. Pull-requests are welcome :-)

How to use

Just include react-native-web_improved as dependency of your project instead of react-native-web, and do the alias pointing to it. After that, everything should work as usual. If you are using the react-native-web Babel plugin you would need to change it's references to use react-native-web_improved instead, no more.