1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

react-native-zoom-ios v1.0.0

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7 years ago


Native Bindings for the Zoom.US Library

  • react-native link react-native-afrzoom

  • in Xcode, go to your main project Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries and add the following: a) DropboxSDK.framework b) ZoomSDK.framework c) Foundation.framework d) CoreGraphic.framework e) libz.1.2.5.tbd f) libsqlite3.tbd g) libstdc++.6.tbd

  • in Xcode, go to your main project Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources and add the following: a) ZoomSDKResources.bundle

  • in Xcode go to your AppDelegate and add the following code after the import for "AppDelegate.h" a) #import <ZoomSDK/ZoomSDK.h>

    then add the following code after the last import

    #define kZoomSDKAppKey @"nWRVRQVBB5NL992aSA2T1CEjPSoALdkwDhQb" #define kZoomSDKAppSecret @"8uV38aLgWpo45pIE7VaOUAT30SLRYbqSpnKi" #define kZoomSDKDomain @"zoom.us"

    then add the following code beetween the define code above and the @implementation code

    @interface AppDelegate ()<ZoomSDKAuthDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate>


    and finally add the following code at the end of the file (before the @end)

    #pragma mark - Auth Delegate

  • in your RN project simply just import react-native-afrzoom like this:

    import * as AFRZoom from 'react-native-afrzoom';

    and then call the joinMeeting function whereever you need it like this:

    AFRZoom.joinMeeting({ meetingNumber:"462119746", displayName:"reactNative", password:"" })