1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-notification-handler v1.0.0

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6 years ago

React Notification Handler

Notification pop-ups are becoming an increasingly common feature in modern websites. This package supplies a framework for handling common notification functionality, whilst allowing your application to specific functionality/DOM/styling by injecting components.

What does React Notification Handler give you :

  • Notification timeouts
  • Notification enter and exit animations
  • Notification stacking
  • Notification positioning

Additionally this package also comes with a configurable out-of-box notification-box componenet for the case that your application does not require a custom notification box.


npm install react-notification-handler --save


import NotificationHandler from 'react-notification-handler'


positionStringDetermins which corner notifications will be displayed
addToEndBooleanIf true notifications will be added to the end of the notification stack
enterAnimationStringSpecifies how notifications will animate in
leaveAnimationStringSpecifies how notifications will animate out

Property options:

  • position : top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
  • enterAnimation : fade, pop, slide-top, slide-right, slide-bottom, slide-left
  • exitAnimation : fade, pop, slide-top, slide-right, slide-bottom, slide-left

Default Property Values

	position: "bottom-right",
	addToEnd: false,
	enterAnimation: "fade",
	leaveAnimation: "fade"


React Notification Handler contains a multitude of functions to integrate it with your react application. These functions should be accessed through a ref value placed on the notification handler (this can be seen in the example below).


Generates and push an out-of-box notification box based on the properties passed into the function.

Function arguments: pushNotification(key, message, icon, survivalTime, onClick, onClickObject, showCloseButton)

keyAnyA unique key for referencing the notification (a random guid will be used if no key is supplied)
messageStringThe text to be displayed in the notification
iconStringThe notification to be displayed (valid options : share, person, notification, check, folder, shoppingCart, alarm, mail, attach-horz, attach-vert)
survivaTimeNumberThe time(milliseconds) before the notification is removed (notification will remain indefinitely if null)
onClickfunctionCallback function for when the notification is clicked. The function is supplied with the notification key and onClickObject so should be formatted as such function(key, onClickObject)
onClickObjectObjectAn object that is supplied to the onClick function
showCloseButtonbooleanDisplays a close button that destories the notification


Adds a custom notification box to the stack based on your injected React componenet.

Function arguments: pushCustomNotification(key, customComponent, survivalTime)

keyAnya unique key for targeting the notification (will be set to a guid if not supplied)
customComponentComponentA custom React component to be injected as the notifications pop-up DOM
survivalTimeNumberThe time(milliseconds) before the notification is removed (will remain indefinitely if null)

As flexability is the aim of injecting custom components, React Notification Handler automatically appendeds 3 properties to your component:

  • parentRef : this value from React Notification Handler exposing all props/state/functions.
  • destory : A function that takes no arguments and destroys the specific notification when called.
  • notificationKey : The key assigned to your custom notification.


Animates out and then destroys the notification based on the key supplied.

Function arguments: removeByKey(targetKey)


Animates out and then destroys the notification based on the index in the notification stack.

Function arguments: removeByIndex(targetIdx)


Animates out and then destroys the notification at the end of the stack.

Function arguments: removeFromEnd()


Animates out and then destroys the notification at the start of the stack.

Function arguments: removeFromFront()


Returns a copy of the current notification stack.

Function arguments: getNotifications()


import React from 'react';
import NotificationHandler from 'react-notification-handler'

// An arbitrary function for generating unique keys for notifications
function guid() {
	function s4() {
		return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
	return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();

// Custom notification component class
class CustomNotificationBox extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

		this.deleteThis = this.deleteThis.bind(this);
		this.alertNotificationKey = this.alertNotificationKey.bind(this);
		this.printNumberOfNotifcations = this.printNumberOfNotifcations.bind(this);

	deleteThis() {
		//this.props.destroy is automatically appended as a property 

	alertNotificationKey() {
		//this.props.notificationKey is automatically appended as a property 

	printNumberOfNotifcations() {
		//this.props.parentRef is automatically appended as a property 

	render() {
		return (
			<div className={"notification-container"}>
				<h3>Custom Notification Wahoo!</h3>
				<button onClick={this.alertNotificationKey}>show key</button>
				<button onClick={this.deleteThis}>delete this</button>
				<button onClick={this.printNumberOfNotifcations}>show notification count</button>

// An example application, demonstraiting how to integrate NotificationHandler
class YourApplication extends React.Component {

		this.addNotification = this.addNotification.bind(this);
		this.addCustomNotification = this.addCustomNotification.bind(this);
		this.deleteNotification = this.deleteNotification.bind(this);

	deleteNotification() {
		// Removes the notification at the end of the stack

	addNotification() {
		// onClick function prints the "onClickObject" using alert  
		let onClickFunc = (key, obj) => alert("notification click with data: " + obj.data)

		// Adds a new generic notification to the stack with a 10 second timeout
		this.refs.notificationHandler.pushNotification(guid(), "generic notification message", "mail" , 10000, onClickFunc, { data: "example value" }, true);

	addCustomNotification() {
		// Add custom notification to the stack that does not timeout
		this.refs.notificationHandler.pushCustomNotification(guid(), <CustomNotificationBox customMessage={"HELLO"}/>, null);

	render() {
		return (
				<h1> Welcome to my fancy website! </h1>
				<button onClick={this.addNotification}>add generic</button>
				<button onClick={this.addCustomNotification}>add custom</button>
				<button onClick={this.deleteNotification}>delete last</button>
					exitAnimation={"fade"} />       