1.1.2-alpha.5 • Published 7 years ago

react-number-format-clari v1.1.2-alpha.5

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Last release
7 years ago


React component to format number in an input or as a text


  1. Allow prefix, suffix and thousand separator.
  2. Allow format pattern.
  3. Allow masking.
  4. Allow custom formatting handler.
  5. Allow formatting a input or a simple text


Through npm npm install react-number-format --save

Or get compiled development and production version from ./dist


thousandSeparatormixed: single character string or true/false (boolean)falseAdd thousand separators on number
decimalSeparatormixed: single character string or true/false (boolean).Support decimal point on a number
decimalPrecisionmixed: number or booleanfalse (2 if true)If false it does not limit decimal place, if true default precision is 2 or else limits to provided decimal place
prefixString (ex : $)noneAdd a prefix before the number
suffixString (ex : /-)noneAdd a prefix after the number
valueNumbernullValue to number format
displayTypeString: text / inputinputIf input it renders a input element where formatting happens as you input characters. If text it renders it as a normal text in a span formatting the given value
formatString : Hash based ex (#### #### #### ####) Or FunctionnoneIf format given as hash string allow number input inplace of hash. If format given as function, component calls the function with unformatted number and expects formatted number.
maskString (ex : _)noneIf mask defined, component will show non entered placed with masked value.
customInputComponent ReferenceinputThis allow supporting custom inputs with number format.
onChange(e, value) => {}noneonChange handler accepts event object through which you can get formattedValue (e.targe.value # $2,223) and second parameter non formatted value (ie: 2223)

Other than this it accepts all the props which can be given to a input or span based on displayType you selected.


Prefix and thousand separator : Format currency as text

var NumberFormat = require('react-number-format');

<NumberFormat value={2456981} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />

Output : $2,456,981

Format with pattern : Format credit card as text

<NumberFormat value={4111111111111111} displayType={'text'} format="#### #### #### ####" />

Output : 4111 1111 1111 1111

Prefix and thousand separator : Format currency in input

<NumberFormat thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />

Screencast example

Maintaining change value on state

<NumberFormat value={this.state.profit} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} onChange={(e, value) => {
    const formattedValue = e.target.value; // $222,3
    //value will be non formatted value ie, 2223
    this.setState({profit: value})

Format with pattern : Format credit card in an input

<NumberFormat format="#### #### #### ####" />

Screencast example

Format with mask : Format credit card in an input

<NumberFormat format="#### #### #### ####" mask="_"/>

Screencast example

Custom format method : Format credit card expiry time

  function formatExpiryChange(val){
    if(val && Number(val[0]) > 1){
      val = '0'+val;
    if(val && val.length >1 && Number(val[0]+val[1]) > 12){
      val = '12'+val.substring(2,val.length);
    val = val.substring(0,2)+ (val.length > 2 ? '/'+val.substring(2,4) : '');
    return val;

<NumberFormat format={formatExpiryChange}/>

Screencast example

Custom Inputs

You can easily extend your custom input with number format. But custom input should have all input props.

  import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField';
  <NumberFormat customInput={TextField} format="#### #### #### ####"/>

Passing custom input props All custom input props and number input props are passed together.

  <NumberFormat hintText="Some placeholder" value={this.state.card} customInput={TextField} format="#### #### #### ####"/>

Live Demo


Major Updates


  • Support custom input
  • Support custom decimal / thousandSeparator
  • Support providing decimal precision
  • Bug fixes (See release notes)


  • Support decimals
  • Support changing thousandSeparator to ','
  • Updated complete code to ES6
  • Added propTypes validation
  • Fixed #1, #7, #8, #9


  • Download the zip
  • npm install
  • npm start to run example server
  • npm run test to test changes
  • npm run bundle to bundle files


Test cases are written in jasmine and run by karma Test file : /test/test_input.js To run test : npm run test