3.0.20 • Published 5 years ago

react-numpad-package-moko v3.0.20

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React numpad

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A numpad for number, date and time, built with and for React. It's written with the extensibility in mind. The idea of this project is to cover the majority of input types in a form.

Demo / Examples

Live demo: gpietro.github.io/docs


To use React-Numpad, install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Webpack, etc).

npm install --save react-numpad

At this point you can import react-numpad in your application

import NumPad from 'react-numpad';


React-NumPad generates an input field containing the selected value, so you can submit it as part of a standard form. You can also listen for changes with the onChange event property. When the value is changed, onChange(selectedValue) will fire.

React-NumPad is built based on a "main" component (NumPad.js). Following the higher-order component technique, is possible to create new components by simply overriding few common properties.


Input field for numeric value. There are also PositiveNumber, IntegerNumber, PositiveIntegerNumber components with the same properties.

    onChange={(value) => { console.log('value', value)}}
    placeholder={'my placeholder'}


Input field with time format.

    onChange={(value) => { console.log('value', value)}}
    label={'Departure time'}
    placeholder={'my placeholder'}


Input field with date format.

    onChange={(value) => { console.log('value', value)}}
    label={'Data di nascita di partenza'}


Input field with date and time format.

    onChange={(value) => { console.log('value', value)}}
    label={'Data e ora di partenza'}
    value={'10.02.2018 10:00'}

NumPad Properties

onChangefunctionrequiredfunction called when value change and is valid.
placeholderstringnonetext to display as input placeholder.
labelstringnonetext to display as input label.
positionstringflex-endPosition to the screen. center, flex-start, flex-end, startBottomLeft, startBottomRight, startTopLeft, startTopRight
themestring or objectnumpadstring as the name of the theme or object as custom styles.
dateFormatstringMM/DD/YYYYspecify a different date format.
valuestring or numbernonevalue (default) for the input field.
syncbooleanfalseif true, callbacks calls while typing if the input is valid


Calendar input field.

    onChange={value => console.log('changed', value)}
    label='Data di nascita'
    markers={['01.03.2018', '06.03.2018']}

Calendar Properties

onChangefunctionrequiredfunction called when value change and is valid.
placeholderstringnonetext to display as input placeholder.
labelstringnonetext to display as input label.
positionstringflex-endPosition to the screen. center, flex-start, flex-end, startBottomLeft, startBottomRight, startTopLeft, startTopRight
themestring or objectnumpadstring as the name of the theme or object as custom styles.
dateFormatstringMM/DD/YYYYspecify a different date format.
valuestring or numbernonevalue (default) for the input field.
localestringenlocale for days and months
weekOffsetnumber0First day of the week, by default is Sunday
markersarray[]list of dates to place a marker on Calendar. The string date format must be the same as dateFormat property
minstringnonemin value for validation
maxstringnonemax value for validation


Available date time appointments picker.

    onChange={value => console.log("value", value)}

const appointmentDates = {
    '01.04.2018': ['08:00', '09:00', '10:00', '11:00'],
    '03.04.2018': ['08:00', '09:00', '10:00'],
    '04.04.2018': ['08:00', '09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '17:00'],
    '09.04.2018': ['08:00', '10:00', '11:00', '15:00']

Appointment Properties

onChangefunctionrequiredfunction called when value change and is valid.
appointmentDatesobjectrequiredobject representing available dates with times
placeholderstringnonetext to display as input placeholder.
labelstringnonetext to display as input label.
positionstringflex-endPosition to the screen. center, flex-start, flex-end, startBottomLeft, startBottomRight, startTopLeft, startTopRight
themestring or objectnumpadstring as the name of the theme or object as custom styles.
dateFormatstringMM/DD/YYYYspecify a different date format.
localestringenlocale for days and months

It's possible to override the InputField component by passing your input field as child component of NumPad.

<NumPad.Number onChange={(value) => console.log('value', value)}>
    <button>Click me!</button>


There is only one theme available for now, in /styles folder, numpad. Any css style is customizable using styled components.

It is possible to override a theme by defining an object with the theme properties:

const myTheme = {
  header: {
    primaryColor: '#263238',
    secondaryColor: '#f9f9f9',
    highlightColor: '#FFC107',
    backgroundColor: '#607D8B',
  body: {
    primaryColor: '#263238',
    secondaryColor: '#32a5f2',
    highlightColor: '#FFC107',
    backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9',
  panel: {
    backgroundColor: '#CFD8DC'

<NumPad.Number theme={myTheme}>

Keyboard support

0, 1, 2, ... 9: input number.

- and .: input symbol.

Esc: close keypad or calendar.

Enter: submit value.

Calendar swipe support

On mobile is possible to switch between months by swipe.


git clone git@github.com:gpietro/react-numpad.git
cd react-numpad/
npm install
npm start
npm run storybook

Visit localhost:6006 to see the NumPad components available so far.


npm run build

A bundle will be created in the dist directory.


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.

See our CONTRIBUTING.md for information on how to contribute.


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Pietro Ghezzi 2017-2018.