0.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

react-observable-class v0.1.1

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Last release
1 year ago


React state management using classes. Similar to MobX but reduced to the core features.

Get started

Install as a dependency.

npm install react-observable-class



class Observable {
  [symbol]: Set<() => any>;

Observable is the base class to extend from.

import { Observable } from "react-observable-class";

class ToDoItem extends Observable {
  completed = false;

  constructor(description = '') {
    this.description = description;

  toggle() {
    this.completed = !this.completed;

// Behaves exactly like a normal class instance.
const item = new ToDoItem("buy apples");
item.description = "buy green apples";
// {"completed":true,"description":"buy green apples"}

The Observable base class makes the created instance a Proxy with traps to detect changes to top-level properties. "Top-level properties" are properties directly on the instance. this.object.value = 'new value' will not be detected as a change. Either replace the whole object or use forceNotify (see below).

There are no base methods or properties other than a Symbol key for storing callbacks when top-level properties change.

When a top-level property changes (according to Object.is), callbacks are scheduled to be called using Promise.then. This means callbacks are called asynchronously. The instance is still updated synchronously, just callbacks are called asynchronously.

Callbacks are also batched. They are scheduled to be called once even if subscribed to multiple changed observables.


function useObservables(...observables: [Observable, ...Observable[]]): void;

useObservables is a React hook that causes a re-render when observable instances change.

import { Observable, useObservables } from "react-observable-class";

class O extends Observable {
  value = '';
const obs = new O();

function Input() {
  return (
      onChange={(e) => obs.value = e.target.value}

Can be called with one or more observable instances: useObservables(obs1, obs2, ...etc).

Observable instance can be created at the module/global scope and shared between components. This is useful to sync external state with a component.

Changes to nested properties are not observed. If the nested object is an observable, it can be observed manually:

class Child extends Observable {
  value = '';
class Parent extends Observable {
  value = '';
  child = new Child();

const parent = new Parent();

function Component() {
  // parent.child is also an observable and must be specified
  // if the component wants to re-render when it changes.
  useObservables(parent, parent.child);
  return ...


function useCreateObservables<
  T extends Observable | [Observable, ...Observable[]]
>(getInitialObservables: () => T): T;

useCreateObservables is a React hook that creates observable instances and causes a re-render when these instances change.

import { Observable, useCreateObservables } from "react-observable-class";

class O extends Observable {
  value = '';

function Input() {
  const obs = useCreateObservables(() => new O());
  return (
      onChange={(e) => obs.value = e.target.value}

Can create one or more observable instances: const [o1, o2] = useCreateObservables(() => [new O(), new O()]).

This hook is provided to make "local" or "component scoped" state easier to use. Calls useObservables internally.


function forceNotify(...observables: [Observable, ...Observable[]]): void;

forceNotify is a function that accepts any number of observables and schedules their callbacks to be called. This forces a re-render for components using useObservers.

import { Observable, forceNotify } from "react-observable-class";

class O extends Observable {
  array = [];
  pushToArray(v) {

Useful for making changes to nested properties without creating a copy of the object.


Install dependencies

npm install

Build library

npm run build

Run tests

npm run test

Format code

npm run format


Use conventional commits to allow automatic versioned releases.

  • fix: represents bug fixes, and correlates to a SemVer patch.
  • feat: represents a new feature, and correlates to a SemVer minor.
  • feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a SemVer major.


The automated release-please PR to the main branch can be merged to deploy a release.


1 year ago


1 year ago