0.2.1 • Published 1 year ago

react-pack-mule v0.2.1

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1 year ago

React Pack Mule

Let pack mule carry your global states.

react-pack-mule is a global state manager, and an opinionated re-interfaced subset of zustand.

zustand avoids a whole bunch of unnecessary boilerplate - reducer, dispatch, thunk, provider, context..

pack-mule avoids even more ceremonies such as actions binding. Gives array selector syntax (on top of what zustand gives)

Quick example

npm install react-pack-mule zustand@^3.1.4


import { useStore, updateStates } from 'react-pack-mule';
const Component = (props) => {
  // get some specific level 1 properties you need from the global store
  // the hook is reactive of course (means any update to 'greeting' will re-render component)
  const {
    greeting: {
      name = 'Dan'
    } = {}
  } = useStore(['greeting']);

  return (
      Hi {name}
      {/* for sake of demo, I am not placing the action logic in an action file */}
      <button onClick={() => updateStates({ greeting: { name: 'everyone' }})}>Greet everyone</button>
export default Component;


import { createStore } from 'react-pack-mule';

type MyStore = {
  greeting: {
    name: string;

const { useStore, updateStates } = createStore<MyStore>({
  greeting: {
    name: 'Dan'

const Component = (props) => {
  // get only the level 1 properties you need from the global store
  const { greeting: { name } } = useStore(['greeting']);

  return (
      Hi {name}
      {/* on click, do a shallow merge */} 
      {/* for sake of demo, I am not placing the action logic in an action file */}
      <button onClick={() => updateStates({ greeting: { name: 'everyone' }})}>Greet everyone</button>
export default Component;

That's it. Simple as that.

This library only has 6 exported functions in total - 3 of them demonstrated above. Another 2 will be explained in the next two sections.

useStore does a shallow equality by default. You can change it to strict equality or deep equality by passing a custom comparator as second argument.


Action file

It is good practice to move the updateStates() calls to separate "action" file. For e.g. you can unit test the actions without having to test the UI components as well.


import { updateStates } from 'react-pack-mule';

export const updateName = (name) => {
  updateStates({ greeting: { name }});

or typescript, actions/greeting.ts

import { updateStates } from './MyStore';

export const updateName = (name: string) => {
  updateStates({ greeting: { name }});

And you can change the component to the following:

import * as greetingActions from '../actions/greeting';
// ...

      <button onClick={() => greetingActions.updateName('everyone')}>Greet everyone</button>
// ...

Note: Actions can be async functions (yay! no thunk/saga required).

Within the action file you can't use hooks though. Instead you can use getStates() to get the current states from the store.

import { getStates } from 'react-pack-mule';
// in TypeScript, get getStates function from your specific store.
// const { getStates } from './MyStore';

const allStatesOfTheStore = getStates(); // you get all the properties of the store
const { greeting } = allStatesOfTheStore;

Initial States

If you are using TypeScript or if you are creating an new store, you get the ability to set initial states of the store while creating the store:

import { createStore } from 'react-pack-mule';

const initialStates = {
  greeting: {
    name: 'Dan'

However if you are using the default store, you can initialize the store using setStates().

import { setStates } from 'react-pack-mule';

  greeting: {
    name: 'Dan'

setStates() simply replaces the entire store.

Using Redux DevTools

import { devtools } from 'zustand/middleware'
const getInitialState = () => ({ /* ... */ })
const storeMethods =  createStore(null, devtools(getInitialState))

Play with it

Go to examples directory

yarn install
yarn start

and start playing with the example.

API Reference

useStore(selector<String[]|Function>, comparator = shallowEqual)

React hook to fetch the properties you want from global store. Using the hook also associates the component with only those props you've asked for. This makes re-rendering performance much better.


selector: Array of prop names (strings) you want to fetch from global store or a function that picks the states you want from the store.

Returns: If array selector was used, then return value is an object with the key, values for each prop name you asked for. If a value doesn't exist you get undefined as the value for the prop name. If you used a selector function, then function's signature follows exactly as zustand's useStore() method's selector.


Alias to useStore. It's exactly the same. This interface is there to keep compatibility with react-global-states library


Returns: the entire global store. You can use this outside of a component (example: in an action file).


Replaces your entire store with the newStore object you pass.


newStore: The new store object.

Returns: No return value

updateStates(partial<Object>, updater = shallowUpdate)

Function to update multiple states on the global store. updateStates will merge new states upto two levels of the store.

So let's say your store looks likes the following:

  prop1: { a: 1 },
  prop2: { b: 2 },

and you do an update as below:

  prop1: { a: 0 },
  prop2: { d: 4 },
  prop3: { c: 3 },

then the resultant global store will look like:

  prop1: { a: 0 },
  prop2: { b: 2, d: 4 },
  prop3: { c: 3 },


partial: An partial store object that would be used to update the store.

Returns: No return value

createPropUpdater(propName<String>, updater = shallowUpdate)

Returns a function that can be used to update a specific prop from the store. This is only needed if prop value is an object which you want to incrementally update.

This is a convinence function. You can achieve what you want with updateStates() function alone if you wish.


propName: The prop name whose sub/inner properties that you want to ultimately update.

Returns: A function that you can call (any number of times) to incrementally update the prop's sub/inner properties.


// without createPropUpdater()
const resetCart = () => updateStates({ cart: { items: [] } });
const setCartItems = (items) => updateStates({ cart: { items } });
// ...

// with createPropUpdater()
const updateCart = createPropUpdater('cart');
const resetCart = () => updateCart({ items: [] });
const setCartItems = (items) => updateCart({ items });
// .. the more actions you have that is updating cart, the more useful createPropUpdater() becomes.

createStore(initialStoreProps: Object, initialStateCreator = () => initialStoreProps): StoreMethods

Creates a new store and returns an object with functions with same name & interface as the APIs mentioned above (i.e. store.getStates(), store.useStore() hook etc) to manage the new store.

There are two use-cases for creating a fresh store, instead of using the default store:

  1. You are using TypeScript: For type checks to work you need to define your Store's interface. The default store accepts any props, which won't give you strict type check.

  2. You are writing a library/module that is expected to be used with any react app: In which case polluting the default store with props can cause naming collision with the consumer of your library. Creating new store avoids prop name collisions for libraries.


initialStoreProps (optional): An object with properties to initialize your store with. initialStateCreator (optional): Function used when doing zutand create(). You can use zustand middlewares here.

Returns: An object with functions to use the new store.


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