0.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

react-persist-form v0.1.2

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6 years ago

React Persist Form

A form wrapper to take care of the boilerplates.


npm install react-persist-form --save


It is often not necessary or desirable to handle form inputs with the redux store. The form inputs are local to the form and are no concerns of the store. The extra boilerplate work to handle them slows down the development and crams up the codebase.

This package separates the form handling from the biz logic. The form wrapper will take care of the inputs locally. When the form is submitted, the data is passed back to the app.


  • validation: it comes with simple-react-validator. You can pass in a different validator object (e.g. your custom simple-react-validator), which will be passed back to your form for the actual implementation.
  • persistence: it uses react-persist-plus to allow persistence. Defaults to use sessionStorage.

Basic Usage

Create an HOC with the wrapper provided by this package. To use the HOC, you just need to provide your own error and handleSubmit. On submission, the data is passed back to your handleSubmit with the key An example of using the package with redux:

Step 1. define your form Step 2. create HOC Step 3. use HOC Step 4. connect to redux store (or provide handleSubmit in any other way)

On submission, data is passed to your handleSubmit method. Check the tests for details.


See this example with redux