0.2.11 • Published 7 years ago

react-pricing-dialog v0.2.11

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago

Table of Content


Pre-alpha and under heavy development, do not use!


  • :iphone: Responsive: Made mobile responsive with Flexbox
  • :white_check_mark: Test: Adding tests.
  • Website:


The package can be installed via NPM:

npm install react-pricing-dialog --save

You’ll need to install React separately since those dependencies aren’t included in the package. Below is a simple example on how to use the PricingTable in a React view.

import React from 'react';
import {PricingTable, PricingSlot, PricingDetail} from 'react-pricing-dialog';

class Example extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return  <PricingTable  highlightColor='#f44336'> ... </PricingTable>


The basic use of the PricingTable can be described with:

<PricingTable  highlightColor='#1976D2'>
    <PricingSlot  onClick={this.submit} buttonText='TRY IT FREE' title='FREE' priceText='$0/month'>
        <PricingDetail> <b>15</b> projects</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>5 GB</b> storage</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>5</b> users</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail strikethrough> <b>Time tracking</b></PricingDetail>
    <PricingSlot highlighted onClick={this.submit} buttonText='SIGN UP' title='BASIC' priceText='$24/month'>
        <PricingDetail> <b>35</b> projects</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>15 GB</b> storage</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Unlimited</b> users</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Time tracking</b></PricingDetail>
    <PricingSlot  onClick={this.submit} buttonText='SIGN UP' title='PROFESSIONAL' priceText='$99/month'>
        <PricingDetail> <b>100</b> projects</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>30 GB</b> storage</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Unlimited</b> users</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Time tracking</b></PricingDetail>
    <PricingSlot  onClick={this.submit} buttonText='SIGN UP' title='ENTERPRISE' priceText='$200/month'>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Unlimited</b> projects</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>75 GB</b> storage</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Unlimited</b> users</PricingDetail>
        <PricingDetail> <b>Time tracking</b></PricingDetail>

Result: react-pricing-dialog



We're always trying to stay compatible with the latest version of React. We can't support all older versions of React, since React is still < 1.0 and introducing breaking changes every release.

Browser Support

The react pricing table is compatible with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and IE11+.

Unfortunately it is difficult to support legacy browsers while maintaining our ability to develop new features in the future. For IE9 support, it is known that the classlist polyfill is needed, but this may change or break at any point in the future.

Local Development

The master branch contains the latest version of the PricingTable component. To start your example app, you can run yarn start. This starts a simple webserver on http://localhost:8080.

You can run yarn test to execute the test suite and linters. To help you develop the component we’ve set up some tests that covers the basic functionality. Even though we’re big fans of testing, this only covers a small piece of the component. We highly recommend you add tests when you’re adding new functionality.

The examples

The examples are hosted within the docs folder and are ran in the simple add that loads the PricingTable. To extend the examples with a new example, you can simply duplicate one of the existing examples and change the unique properties of your example.


PricingTable props:

PricingSlot props:

PricingDetail props:


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago