1.1.1 • Published 9 years ago
react-product-tour v1.1.1
React Product Tour
Easy step-based product tour component written in React Usefull to create websites product tours, webapps tutorial, and every kind of step-based process to explain something in a site
Development status
2015/11/23 Released STABLE Version 1.0.1 on npm
Added: Optional Callback onChange at every step of the product tour Optional Callback onTourEnd at the end of the product Tour
2015/11/23 Released Beta Version 0.1.3 on npm
Added: Prev button to go to the previous step. Skip button to exit the product tour Steps circle icons to navigate through the product tour
2015/11/22 Released Beta Version 0.1.0 on npm
$ npm install react-product-tour [--save]
In your project:
var ReactProductTour = require('react-product-tour')
import ReactProductTour from 'react-product-tour'
ReactDOM.render(<ReactProductTour ref='rpt' steps={steps} />, document.getElementById('rpt'))
And then include the dist/rpt.css in your HTML file!
Open examples/ directory and open example1.html with a browser to test the component
react-product-tour props
react-product-tour step object
Each step in props.steps array is an object with these properties
react-product-tour methods
Public methods of rpt