1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago
react-promise-hoc v1.0.0
React Promise HOC
React HOC for easy promise handling.
yarn add react-promise-hoc
or npm i react-promise-hoc
import React, { SFC } from 'react'
import promiseHoc, { InjectedPromiseHocProps } from 'react-promise-hoc'
const Post: SFC<InjectedPromiseHocProps> = ({ isLoading, post, refetch }) =>
? <p>Loading...</p>
: (
<button onClick={refetch}>Refetch</button>
export default promiseHoc((props) => ({
post: axios.get(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/${props.id}`)
}), (err, data, props) => { /* gets invoked when promise ir rejected / resolved */ })(Post)
// also possible to provide an array
// notice: this will provide a prop called data which will be an array of the resolved data
export default promiseHoc((props) => ([
Injected props to child component
Props | Type | Description |
isLoading | boolean | Set to true when promise(s) are pending and false when done. |
data | array | If an array is passed this will be set to the resolved data as an array |
err | object | The error object if one ore more promises got rejected. |
refetch | function | When called the promises will reinvoke |