1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

react-redux-connect-keyed-ownprops v1.0.3

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5 years ago


react-redux connect with factories, safely keyed by given ownProps.

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The Problem

When connecting a React component to Redux, you may need to refer to ownProps. For optimal performance, the react-redux documentation recommends using factory functions, so that your component does not have to re-execute mapStateTo* functions on every prop change.

Some reach for a library like re-reselect which does selector routing based on dynamic arguments from ownProps, but this misses the optimzation of the factory function.

But using the factory functions means your component instance will not respond to changes in values consumed from ownProps. One workaround for this is to use key props at consumption-site. But then consumers have to know which props your makeMapStateTo* rely on internally.

The Solution

This library encapsulates this by offering a higher-order component (HOC) connectOwnProps, which behaves almost identically to connect from react-redux, but with an additional first argument specifying ownProps needed in mapStateTo* or makeMapStateTo* functions, and that it manages an internal key on the connected component, which it keeps up to date while monitoring the specified ownProps for changes (shallow compare), and when it updates, triggers a new component instance to be created, which re-executes its internal makeMapStateTo* factory functions.

It also provides the managed subset of ownProps as a second argument to your mapStateTo* or makeMapStateTo* functions, instead of the full set, which encourages safe usage by disallowing access to initial values decoupled from re-instancing.


See a live demo here (and source).

Here's some sample code:

import connectOwnProps from 'react-redux-connect-keyed-ownprops'

// ...

const makeMapStateToProps = (state, pickedOwnProps) => {
  // Now `pickedOwnProps` has only the props requested below.
  const selectMyProp = makeSelectMyProp(pickedOwnProps.myProp)

  return state => ({
    myProp: selectMyProp(state)

export default connectOwnProps(
  ['myProp', 'myProp2'], // Specify to pluck these props from `ownProps`.

Pick Props

You can specify which ownProps to pick by using an array of keys, e.g.:

export default connectOwnProps(['myProp', 'myProp2'], makeMapStateToProps)(

Or just a single key:

export default connectOwnProps('myProp', makeMapStateToProps)(MyComponent)

Or a custom function to select from ownProps (or derive relevant values). The output of this function is what will be shallow-compared for changes to manage the internal key.

export default connectOwnProps(
  ownProps => ({
    myProp: ownProps.myProp