1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

react-responsive-block v1.0.3

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5 years ago


ELQ React Component

A component that wraps components in order to enable them to be responsive by its width. This is a React-specific high level API of ELQ. This component assumes that all parent elements that have display:none are block-elemens.

Example of sizeBreakpoints:

The width size breakpoints of interest, that defines the size state of the wrapped component. It is required to have at least a size breakpoint of 0.

    small: 0,
    medium: 500,
    large: 700

This can be interpreted as "size is small from 0 to 500, medium from 500 to 700 and large above 700".

Example usage
import responsiveBlockMaker from 'react-responsive-block/responsiveBlock';

// Get your ELQ instance from somewhere (or create it here if you wish).
var elq = ...;

var ResponsiveBlock = responsiveBlockMaker({elq});

// This is the responsive component that we want to create.
var MyComponentInternal = function (props) {
    // Here goes all advanced breakpoint logic for the view.

    if (props.size === 'small') {
        return <p>Small size</p>;

    if (props.size === 'medium') {
        return <p>Medium size</p>;

    if (props.size === 'large') {
        return <p>Large size</p>;

// Create a wrapper component that wraps your
// "real" component with a Responsive Block.
var MyComponent = function (props) {
    const sizeBreakpoints = {
        small: 0,
        medium: 500,
        large: 700

    return (
        <ResponsiveBlock sizeBreakpoints={sizeBreakpoints}>
            <MyComponentInternal {...props} />

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago