0.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

react-responsive-context-provider v0.1.1

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8 years ago

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Higher order component that provides responsive media context using react-responsive and react-responsive-multi-query


$ npm install react-responsive-context-provider --save


import ResponsiveContextProvider from 'react-responsive-context-provider';

// I prefer numbers for easier comparisons
export const XL = 5;
export const L = 4;
export const M = 3;
export const S = 2;
export const XS = 1;

const mediaQuery = [{
  query: { minWidth: 1921, maxWidth: 99999 },
  context: { size: XL }
}, {
  query: { minWidth: 1281, maxWidth: 1920 },
  context: { size: L }
}, {
  query: { minWidth: 721, maxWidth: 1280 },
  context: { size: M }
}, {
  query: { minWidth: 481, maxWidth: 720 },
  context: { size: S }
}, {
  query: { minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 480 },
  context: () => ({ size: XS }) // can be a function

const Title = (props, context) => {
  const mediaSize = props.mediaSize || context.media.size || L;
  const fontSize = (mediaSize > M) ? 64 : 32;

  return (
    <h1 style={{ fontSize }}>Responsive Heading</h1>

MyResponsiveComp.contextTypes = {
  media: React.PropTypes.object

const Viewport = () => (
  <ResponsiveContextProvider query={mediaQuery}>
    <Title />


  • query (Array) - Media queries to match against and context to provide if matched
    • query (String|Object) - Same as queries from react-responsive
    • context (Mixed|Function) - A value or function that will return a value that the media context will be set to when matched

The catch...

Because this simply wraps react-responsive and react-responsive-multi-query to build the media queries based on the principle of showing and hiding children you must make sure your media queries are unique otherwise your nested components will render more than once.

...and how it should work

Because the above situation is not the ideal I would prefer it behaved a little more like react-media-context while maintaining the features of react-responsive and the flexibility and configuration of react-responsive-multi-query but only render the first matching media query at any given time.

But this is all I have time for right now and it works just fine for my purposes and maybe for yours too?




8 years ago


8 years ago