0.1.2 • Published 7 years ago

react-restpollo v0.1.2

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Last release
7 years ago


React components for declarative communication with a REST API inspired by Apollo

DISCLAIMER: Restpollo isn't an official Apollo project. They did such a good job with React Apollo that it inspired me to create a simplified version for communicating with a REST API using React components and function as children pattern.

Examples Site Link


urlThis is the url for the fetch action
fetchOptionsThese are the options for the fetch action
fetchOnMountIf this prop is set the fetch action will be trigger when the component is mounted

Usage Example

<Fetch url={getUrl} fetchOptions={FETCH_OPTIONS} fetchOnMount>
    ({ loading, error, data }) => {
      if (error) {
        return <Error />

      if (loading) {
        return <Loader />

      if (data) {
        return (
          <div className="items">
                item => (
                  <div className="item" key={item.id}>
                    <h2 className="item__title">{item.title}</h2>
                    <p className="item__body">{item.body}</p>

      return <p className="text-align-center">Waiting for fetch event</p>

Wanna find out how I got the idea for Restpollo?

Medium post coming soon!

Where to find me

Need an experienced tech guy to consult you and help you navigate the world of web development? Drop me a line!\ Need a developer or team of developers to build you dream app? Let's talk!\ I'm always open for new opportunities and meeting new people so if you're thinking about getting in touch, go for it!

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