1.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

react-rfp v1.0.4

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2 years ago


Utilities to assist with using RxJS, TypeScript and React.

Why Reactive Programming

Reactive programming focuses on manipulating asynchronous streams to produce results. In a web application, a majority of the interactive work is dealing with asynchronous streams, including:

  • DOM events/gestures
  • Animations
  • Ajax/Sockets

No matter the source, the streams all follow the same API. Another powerful benefit (the functional part) is that these streams can be composed in all kinds of ways to achieve sophisticated results by mapping streams into other streams using a set of operators.

Reactive programming is also conducive to using immutable data structures, which is a good fit for the functional programming paradigm.

Main Goals

This library serves 2 main purposes:

Rx Integration

Reactive programming (Rx) fits well with React development paradigm. This library aims to provide utility to do common tasks easily and provide a simpler experience that allows users to take advantage of using Rx with React.


This library bypasses the default state management offered by React. It provides an alternative approach that allows for isolated component rendering. State changes that would typically cause an entire component to re-render can be narrowed down to specific component areas.

Core Concepts

The items below form the core building blocks of react-rfp.


This function creates an Rx component type. It should be used for components that have state, though that is not a requirement. The props that our component receives is an Observable. The function passed to createRxComponent should transform the props into a renderable node.

interface IGreeterProps {
  greeting: string
const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  return props$.pipe(
    map(({ greeting }) => <div>{greeting}, how are you going today?</div>),

Usage of the new component is like any other React component:

<Greeter greeting="Hi" />

The above is a very simple example and does not use state. We need more of the building blocks for that.


This function gives us a way to track changes in values. createHandler acts to store state within our main Rx component.

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const [onNameChange, name$] = createHandler<ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>>(props$)
  return props$.pipe(
    map(({ greeting }) => <div>{greeting}, how are you going today?</div>),

First, note that we pass the props$ to createHandler. This is to tie the lifetime of the handler to the current component. When the component is unmounted, the handler will automatically be cleaned up.

Secondly, we are given two things in return:

  • A function that we can use as a change handler. In this case, we will use it in conjunction with a text field.
  • An observable that stores the change events.

Now let's do something with the value.

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const [onNameChange, name$] = createHandler<ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>>(props$)

  // Take the value from the event.
  const nameValue$ = name$.pipe(
    map(e => e.target.value),

  return combineLatest(props$, nameValue$).pipe(
    map(([props, name]) => {
      return (
          <input value={name} onChange={onNameChange} />
            {props.greeting} {name}!

Now, as you type into the textbox, you'll see that the component is maintaining the state for the name. Also take note that the entire component is re-rendering as the value changes.


This function creates a small isolated renderable component that can consume a value from one of the state observables, independently of the main component.

const [withName, nameValue$] = createRx1(
      map(e => e.target.value),

We pass the observable that produces the value. Note that we pass props$, for the same reason as in createHandler.

It returns two values:

  • A rendering function that will trigger when the name changes.
  • An Observable that holds the current value provided by the underlying Observable.

Let's see it in action:

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const [onNameChange, name$] = createHandler<ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>>(props$)
  const [withName] = createRx1(
      map(e => e.target.value),
  return props$.pipe(
    map(props => {
      return (
          {/* A bunch of other complicated components*/}
          {withName(name => {
            console.log('rendering name portion')
            return (
                <input value={name} onChange={onNameChange} />
                  {props.greeting} {name}!

The functionality is the same, except for one difference. Note that as you change the text field, the entire component no longer re-renders. Rather, only the portion depending on the name value is executed. This highlights the power of these isolated components as a performance tool. They are also a benefit from a code organization point of view, since these isolated components can easily be pulled out into their blocks:

const createNameComp = (props$: Observable<IGreeterProps>): React.ReactNode => {
  const [onNameChange, name$] = createHandler<ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>>(props$)
  const [withName] = createRx1(
      map(([e, props]) => tuple(e.target.value, props.greeting)),
      startWith(tuple('', '')),

  return withName(([name, greeting]) => (
      <input value={name} onChange={onNameChange} />
        {greeting} {name}!

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const nameComp = createNameComp(props$)
  return props$.pipe(
    map(() => (<div>
      {/* A bunch of other complicated components*/}


An effect is an action that doesn't contribute to the rendering of the current component. Some examples might are:

  • Making an API call
  • Logging
  • Passing values to parent handlers

In react-rfp we use these effects in the same way.

createEffect(() => {
  return nameValue$.subscribe(v => {
      document.title = 'Name is: ' + v;

The initializer function must return a subscription, because we're operating on our state variables. In this case, we are changing the title when the name Observable changes.

Also note passing props$ to handle the lifetime of the effect.

Let's use createEffect in our sample component. We'll modify the props to take a submit function from the parent.

interface IGreeterProps {
  greeting: string
  onSubmit: (name: string) => void

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const [onNameChange, name$] = createHandler<ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>>(props$)
  const [withName, nameValue$] = createRx1(
      map(e => e.target.value),

  const [onSubmitClick, submitClick$] = createHandler<React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>>(

  createEffect(() => {
    return submitClick$
      .pipe(withLatestFrom(props$, nameValue$))
      .subscribe(([_, props, nameValue]) => {

  createEffect(() => {
    return nameValue$.subscribe(v => {
      document.title = 'Name is: ' + v

  return props$.pipe(
    map(({ greeting, onSubmit }) => {
      return (
          {/* A bunch of other complicated components*/}
          {withName(name => {
            console.log('rendering name portion')
            return (
                <input value={name} onChange={onNameChange} />
                  {greeting} {name}!
          <button onClick={onSubmitClick}>Submit Value</button>

In this case, when the user clicks the button, we gather the latest values from both the props (for the callback) and the name, then we call onSubmit to notify any interested parties.

Utility functions

There are several utility functions that provide some shortcuts for writing boilerplate. For example:

rxInput, which helps to deal with text inputs:

const Component = createRxComponent<IGreeterProps>(function Greeter(props$) {
  const [withName, name$] = rxInput(props$, of(''))

  return props$.pipe(
    map(() => withName((name, onChange) => <input value={name} onChange={onChange} />)),

There are other utility functions such as rxSwitch and rxSelect to deal with other input types.

Hot and Cold

Observables in Rx behave in two different ways. Observables default (in most cases) to being cold.


A cold observable does not emit any events if there are no subscribers. Each subscriber is given the entire set of values from start to end. Think of it like watching a video file. Each user who wants to watch it can start the video from the beginning and watch it through til the end in their own time.


A hot observable emits events even if there are no subscribers. Each subscriber is only given values that emit after they have subscribed. Think of it like watching a live stream. The stream is playing no matter who is watching. Users can only see content for the time they are tuned in.


Hot observables are used when the thing producing the events is outside of the observable. Hot observables also allow the same stream to be multicast to multiple subscribers. Any createRx observables are hot by default.


This library includes a helper function to turn cold observables to hot. They help to ensure that:

  • The observable only begins emitting once the component has first mounted.
  • The value of the observable is shared amongst all subscribers.

You typically want to use this for things like remote requests, or when subscribing multiple times to an observable. In the following snippet of code, compare the behavior with and without publishOnMount.

const startIndex$ = new Subject<number>()
const endIndex$ = new Subject<number>()

setInterval(() => {
}, 4000)

setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)

const totalBetweenDatesFakeRemote = (startIndex: number, endIndex: number): Observable<number> => {
  console.log('invoking remote call')
  return of(Math.random() + (startIndex + endIndex) / 2).pipe(delay(1000))

const result$ = combineLatest(startIndex$, endIndex$).pipe(
  switchMap(([start, end]) => totalBetweenDatesFakeRemote(start, end)),

result$.subscribe(v => {
  console.log('first', v)

result$.subscribe(v => {
  console.log('second', v)

When Not To Use Rx Features

Typically, Rx features aren't needed for stateless components:

interface IListItemProps {
  text: string
  onClick: () => void
function ListItem({ onClick, text }: IListItemProps) {
  // No Rx
  return <li onClick={onClick}>{text}</li>

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