7.26.5 • Published 4 years ago

react-schema-based-json-editor-upload v7.26.5

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4 years ago


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  • reactjs component
  • vuejs component
  • common schema fields: title, description, default, readonly, $ref, propertyOrder, requiredWhen, optionalWhen, className, propertyName
  • object schema fields: properties, required, maxProperties, minProperties, collapsed
  • array schema fields: items, minItems, uniqueItems, enum, enumTitles, format('select2')
  • number and integer schema fields: minimum, exclusiveMinimum, maximum, exclusiveMaximum, enum, multipleOf, enumTitles, format('select' | 'radiobox')
  • string schema fields: format('textarea' | 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime' | 'datetime-local' | 'time' | 'month' | 'email' | 'uri' | 'url' | 'week' | 'hostname' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' | 'code' | 'markdown' | 'base64' | 'select' | 'radiobox' | 'json'), enum, minLength, maxLength, pattern, enumTitles
  • boolean schema fields: format('checkbox' | 'select' | 'select2')
  • image preview, code highlight, markdown preview
  • multi-language

reactjs component

gzip size

npm i react-schema-based-json-editor

import { JSONEditor } from "react-schema-based-json-editor";


<script src="./node_modules/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/react-schema-based-json-editor/dist/react-schema-based-json-editor.min.js"></script>
<JSONEditor schema={schema}

the online demo: https://plantain-00.github.io/schema-based-json-editor/packages/react/demo

vuejs component

gzip size

npm i vue-schema-based-json-editor

import "vue-schema-based-json-editor";


<script src="./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/vue-class-component/dist/vue-class-component.min.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/vue-schema-based-json-editor/dist/vue-schema-based-json-editor.min.js"></script>
<json-editor :schema="schema"

the online demo: https://plantain-00.github.io/schema-based-json-editor/packages/vue/demo

properties and events of the component

schemaSchemathe json schema object
initialValueValueTypethe initial json
updateValue(value: ValueType or undefined, isValid: boolean) => voidthe function that is invoked when the json is edited in the editor
themestring?support "bootstrap3" "bootstrap4" "antd3" "element-ui2" "iview2" "iview3" "blueprint1" "blueprint2" "blueprint3" for now
iconstring?support "bootstrap3" "fontawesome4" "fontawesome5" "antd3" "element-ui2" "iview2" "iview3" for now
localeLocale?locale object
dragulaobject?the dragula library object if you want to reorder array by drag and drop
markdownitobject?the markdown-it library object if you want to preview markdown
hljsobject?the highlight.js library object if you want to highlight code
forceHttpsboolean?if true, the preview url of images will be https:// rather than http://
disableCollapseboolean?if true, the collapse button will be hidden
noSelect2boolean?if true, use select rather than select2-component
minItemCountIfNeedFilternumber?default 6(if item count > 6, filter is visible, otherwise hidden), so if 0, filter always visible, if Infinity, filter always hidden
monacoEditorobject?the monacoEditor library object if you want to edit code with it

improve current theme

You can find css classes like schema-based-json-editor--*, you can set their styles to improve UI

The full list of the classes are in:

export const defaultTheme = {
  card: 'schema-based-json-editor--card',
  row: 'schema-based-json-editor--row',
  errorRow: 'schema-based-json-editor--error-row',
  input: 'schema-based-json-editor--input',
  errorInput: 'schema-based-json-editor--error-input',
  textarea: 'schema-based-json-editor--textarea',
  errorTextarea: 'schema-based-json-editor--error-textarea',
  checkbox: 'schema-based-json-editor--checkbox',
  radiobox: 'schema-based-json-editor--radiobox',
  button: 'schema-based-json-editor--button',
  buttonGroup: 'schema-based-json-editor--button-group',
  title: 'schema-based-json-editor--title',
  description: 'schema-based-json-editor--description',
  select: 'schema-based-json-editor--select'

You can also set className in schema to get fine grained style control

support other themes / icons / locales

import { themes, icons, locales } from 'schema-based-json-editor'

themes['new-theme-name'] = { ... }
icons['new-icon-name'] = { ... }
locales['new-locale-name'] = { ... }

the data structure of new themes / icons / locales are just like default ones:

export const bootstrap3Icon = {
  isText: false,
  collapse: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down',
  expand: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right',
  add: 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus',
  delete: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove'

export const defaultLocale = {
  button: {
    collapse: 'Collapse',
    expand: 'Expand',
    add: 'Add',
    delete: 'Delete'
  error: {
    minLength: 'Value must be at least {0} characters long.',
    maxLength: 'Value must be at most {0} characters long.',
    pattern: "Value doesn't match the pattern {0}.",
    minimum: 'Value must be >= {0}.',
    maximum: 'Value must be <= {0}.',
    largerThan: 'Value must be > {0}.',
    smallerThan: 'Value must be < {0}.',
    minItems: 'The length of the array must be >= {0}.',
    uniqueItems: 'The item in {0} and {1} must not be same.',
    multipleOf: 'Value must be multiple value of {0}.',
    minProperties: 'Properties count must be >= {0}.',
    maxProperties: 'Properties count must be <= {0}.'
  info: {
    notExists: 'not exists',
    true: 'true',
    false: 'false',
    search: 'search'
  markdownTipLocale: defaultMarkDownTipLocale,
  fileUploaderLocale: defaultFileUploaderLocale

non-standard fields

propertyOrdernumber?in a object, the property with smaller propertyOrder will be closer to the top
requiredWhenstring, '===' or 'in' or 'isUndefined', any?in a object, the property is required when the condition is true, eg, ['name', '===', 'foo'] or ['name', 'in', ['foo', 'bar']] or ['name', 'isUndefined'], otherwise the property is hidden
optionalWhenstring, '===' or 'in' or 'isUndefined', any?in a object, the property is optional when the condition is true, eg, ['name', '===', 'foo'] or ['name', 'in', ['foo', 'bar']] or ['name', 'isUndefined'], otherwise the property is hidden
collapsedboolean?if true, the object or array is collapsed by default
enumTitlesstring[]?works with enum field, are the titles of the enum
classNamestring?custom class name
stepnumber?in a string, works with format time
propertyNamestring?in a object, used as property name

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