1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

react-select-virtualized-light v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Note: This is a fork from react-select-virtualized that imports only needed modules from react-virtualized to reduce the final bundle size

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react-select v3 + react-virtualized + react hooks!

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This project came up after hours of trying to find an autocomplete component that supports large sets of data to be displayed and searched for while maintain performance. The only libraries out there that allow this functionality are either not maintained anymore, use outdated libraries or are poorly performant. I created a component that uses the Airbnb library called react-virtualized for the virtual data loading of elements and plugged it to the react-select (the most used autocomplete library for react) menu list.

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npm install --save react-select-virtualized

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The select component will be the same from react-select v3 so you will be able to use it with any select you already have.

Try It!!!

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Check Storybook for more examples

What we do support and don't from react-select

Components: Select, Async, Creatable

  • We support all the UI related props for the input. Extension also.

  • We do not support any related prop to the popup list. We extend it. *Sorry no extension of any component inside the list.*

  • Sorry no multi selection yet. (no isMulti)


Options Shape

const options = [
    value: 1,
    label: `guiyep`,

const opsGroup = [
  { label: `Group Name Header`, options },


import React from 'react';

import Select from 'react-select-virtualized';

const Example1 = () => <Select options={options} />;

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With group

import React from 'react';

import Select from 'react-select-virtualized';

const Example1 = () => <Select options={opsGroup} grouped />;

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Usage Async

import React from 'react';

import { Async } from 'react-select-virtualized';

const loadOptions = (input, callback) => {...};

const Example1 = () => <Async loadOptions={loadOptions}/>

const Example2 = () => <Async defaultOptions={options} loadOptions={loadOptions}/>

const Example3 = () => <Async defaultOptions={opsGroup} loadOptions={loadOptions} grouped/>
Async - No Group

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Async - Grouped

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Usage with creatable

import React from 'react';

import { Creatable } from 'react-select-virtualized';

const Example1 = () => <Creatable options={options} />;

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Usage with creatable and group


Custom Styles

For custom styling of the Input component read the react-select documentation.

The styling in the menu list is by css.

How to leave the menu open so I can style my menu?

Set the menuIsOpen prop to true, create an options list with less than 100 elements and use css for adjusting your css.

Use this example as a guidance

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react-select-virtualized grouped-virtualized-list-item flat-virtualized-item fast-option fast-option fast-option-focused fast-option-selected fast-option-create

Documentation - this are special to this library and none is required

groupedbooleanfalseSpecify if options are grouped
formatGroupHeaderLabelfunction({ label, options}) => componentWill render a custom component in the popup grouped header (only for grouped)
formatOptionLabel (coming from react-select)function(option, { context }) => componentWill render a custom component in the label
optionHeightnumber31Height of each option
groupHeaderHeightnumberHeader row height in the popover list
maxHeight (coming from react-select)numberautoMax height popover list
defaultValueoptionWill set default value and set the component as an uncontrolled component
valueoptionWill set the value and the component will be a controlled component
onCreateOption (Only for Creatable)function(option) => nothingWill be executed when a new option is created , it is only for controlled components


  • useCallback everywhere.
  • Move fast options to group.
  • Fix minimum input search on grouped component.
  • Upgrade alpha version.
  • Review all the TODOs.
  • Improve filtering function in fast-react-select.
    • Improved performance by 50%
  • Add gzip.
  • Review support to all the react-select props. Should all work but multi-val.

-- v 1.0.0 --

  • Add support to AsyncSelect.

-- v 1.1.0 --

  • Add support to AsyncSelect with group.

-- v 1.2.0 --

  • Upgrading packages and hooks.

-- v 2.0.0 --

  • Adding react-select v3.
  • Fixing addon-info.
  • Remove classnames.
  • Improve packaging.
  • Remove react-hover-observer.
  • Added controlled components support.

-- v 2.1.0 --

  • Better debouncing

-- v 2.2.0 --

  • Add support to create element props.
  • Add better error handling.

-- v 2.3.0 --

  • Move modules to lib.
  • Improve debounce.
  • Move internal state of select and async select to reducer like creatable.
  • Add support to create element props with group.

-- v 2.4.0 --

  • Add testing so we do not only relay on storybook.

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MIT © guiyep