1.1.2 • Published 8 years ago

react-simple-grid v1.1.2

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Last release
8 years ago

React Simple Grid

Grid image




npm install react-simple-grid --save


spacingSpacing in pixels between blocks.
blocksPerRow            Number of blocks per row (all of equal width). This is the same as what other grid systems refer to as "columns".
blockWidth              If you'd like blocks of different widths then use this prop instead of blocksPerRow. Pass in an array of fractions and the array will be cycled through when setting up your blocks. For example <Grid blockWidth={[1/1, 1/2, 1/2]}> will result in the first row containing a block that takes up the full row width, the second row containing two blocks each taking up half of the row width, the next row taking up the full width, and so on. If you just wanted 4 blocks per row you'd do <Grid blockWidth={[1/4]}>. That would be the same as doing <Grid blocksPerRow={4}>, but we recommend using this prop as you can easily create more advanced layouts in the future.
breakPointsThis enables you to have different grid props at different screen sizes. For example, to have your 4 blocksPerRow grid with 5px spacing switch to 3 blocksPerRow with 2px spacing at a 700px screen width you'd do <Grid blocksPerRow={4} spacing={5} breakPoints={[ {maxWidth: 700, blocksPerRow: 3, spacing: 2} ]}>.
passBlockWidth          Set this to true if you'd like your child components to recieve the width of their parent block as a prop. This is useful if you have a component that should render differently depending on it's containing width and much more performant then having all your child component check their own width. You must set this to true and subscribe a specific component to updates using our Higher Order Component. Just import { PassBlockWidth } from 'react-simple-grid' and then wrap your component instance like so PassBlockWidth(CustomComponent) and then use your <CustomComponent> as normal. It will now recieve a new prop called parentBlockWidth
hideOuterSpacing        Hide spacing around the grid so that blocks align to the edges

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago