1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

react-slideshow-with-pagination-10 v1.0.1

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4 years ago

React Slideshow with Pagination

You can check out the farnaz-kakhsaz.github.io/live-slideshow demo (from Live Slideshow repository) that was created to show this library's potentials in action.

Slideshow Screenshots

The react-slideshow-with-pagination can have pagination (numbers or dots) and arrow buttons for changing screens and dozens of other feature that help to customize the slideshow as much as possible. Also, check out the demo from a mobile device (real or emulated) it's fully responsive.


npm install --save react-slideshow-with-pagination

How to use:

Import the SlideshowWithPagination from react-slideshow-with-pagination and just like that you have a fully responsive slideshow with pagination and arrow buttons.

Note that you can use the library with the pagination and arrow buttons feature (only) or you can use it with the pagination and arrow buttons along with the preset card features which have almost anything you expect from the slideshow. For example, you can have one card (item) or multiple cards (items) in one screen of the slideshow, and if the width of the screen decreases it will change them to one card per screen. You can control when this happens by passing one of the breakpoint values ('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg' or 'xl') to the showOneCardForWidthLower property. And dozens of features that can be found here.

import React from "react";
import SlideshowWithPagination from "react-slideshow-with-pagination";

import Image1 from "../assets/images/image-1.jpg";
import Image2 from "../assets/images/image-2.jpg";
import Image3 from "../assets/images/image-3.jpg";
import Image4 from "../assets/images/image-4.jpg";

  { image: Image1, title: "1" },
  { image: Image2, title: "2" },
  { image: Image3, title: "3" },
  { image: Image4, title: "4" },

const Slideshow = () => {
  return (
    // Slideshow with preset card features along with pagination and arroww buttons
    // Slideshow with pagination and arrow buttons feature (only)
      {CARDS_DETAILS.map((item, index) => (
        <React.Fragment key={index}>
          <img src={item.image} alt={item.title} />

export default Slideshow

Note: Use option property only when you want to have access to the built-in card feature otherwise only pass items as children to slideshow (which in this case you only have pagination and arrows buttons).

The API documentation:

The react-slideshow-with-pagination API:

Important Note: You have to choose between passing your array (or items) as children to the slideshow (which provides only pagination and arrow buttons feature) or passing your array to the options property (which then in addition to the pagination and arrow buttons, you also have access to provided cards with dozens of features) because some properties only work when an array is passed to the options property. But keep it in mind that you must pass the array to the options property only with this accepted format: [{ image: "imageAddrress", title: "cardTitle" }, ...].

NameTypeDefaultWhen does this property work?Description
childrennode--Use this property to provide your slides (with this property only pagination and arrow buttons are available).
optionsarrayAccepted format: [{image: "imageAddrress", title: "cardTitle"}, ...]-Use this property to provide your slides (with this property in addition to pagination and arrow buttons, provided card features are available too).
showNumbersboolfalseWith both children and options propertyIf true, the number pagination will be shown under the slideshow.
showDotsboolfalseWith both children and options propertyIf true, the dot pagination will be shown under the slideshow.
showArrowsboolfalseWith both children and options propertyIf true, two arrow buttons for changing the screen will be shown on the left and right of the slideshow screen.
autoplaybooltrueWith both children and options propertyIf false, the autoplay behavior will be disabled.
enableMouseEventsbooltrueWith both children and options propertyIf false, it will disable mouse events. The enableMouseEvents property will allow the user to perform the relevant swipe actions with a mouse.
numberOfCardsPerScreennumber3Only with options propertyIt shows the number of cards per each screen (only for width upper than what is set with the showOneCardForWidthLower property).
showOneCardForWidthLowerstring'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'Only with options propertyFor width lower than this, it shows only one card per screen.
slideshowContainerMaxWidthstringfalse, 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'Only with options propertyDefines the maximum width of the entire slideshow screen.
cardsContainerJustifystring'space-around'Only with options propertyControl the distributes space between and around cards (for more than one card per screen) along the main axis.
cardWidthnumber390Only with options propertyDefines the width of each card.
cardHeightnumber245Only with options propertyDefines the height of each card
cardMarginXnumber0Only with options propertyDefines the horizontal margin between cards.
cardMarginYnumber0Only with options propertyDefines the vertical margin between cards.
textColorstring'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)'Only with options propertyDetermine the color of the number pagination and the cards title.
lightColorBtnstring'#bdbdbd'Only with options propertyDetermine the color of the dots and arrow buttons.
darkColorBtnstring'#616161'Only with options propertyDetermine the color of the dots and arrow buttons when selected or hovered.
paginationMarginTopnumber3Only with options propertyDefines the top margin between the pagination (number or dot) and the cards.
intervalnumber5000With both children and options propertyDelay between autoplay transitions (in ms).
springConfigobject{duration: '1s', easeFunction: 'ease-in-out', delay: '0s'}With both children and options propertyThis is the config used to create CSS transitions. This is useful to change the dynamic of the transition.
direction'incremental', 'decremental''incremental'With both children and options propertyThis is the autoplay direction.

The react-swipeable-views API:

I used react-swipeable-views library for this project. So its properties can be passed to the react-slideshow-with-pagination as well. You can find out the full API documentation list of react-swipeable-views here.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.