0.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

react-social-signin v0.0.3

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1 year ago

React Social Signin

A Google oAUth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React


npm install react-social-signin

How to use GoogleLogin

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GoogleLogin } from 'react-social-signin';

function App() {
  const callback = (response) => {

  return <GoogleLogin clientId={'CLIENT_ID'} callback={callback} />;

export default App;

GoogleLogin Props

paramsvaluedefault valuedescription
clientIdstringREQUIREDYou can create a clientID by creating a new project on Google developers website.
callbackfunctionREQUIREDReturn Google User Details in JWT decoded form
buttonThemeobject{ theme: 'outline'; text: 'signin_with'; shape: 'rectangular'; size: 'large'; width: '40px' }handle Button theme
promptEnablebooleanfalseGoogle One tap popup enable


callback returns a GoogleUser object which provides access to all of the GoogleUser methods listed here: https://developers.google.com/identity/gsi/web/reference/js-reference#CredentialResponse .

You can also access the returned values via the following properties on the returned object.

property namevaluedefinition
subnumberThe unique ID of the user's Google Account
emailstringThe user's email address
email_verifiedbooleantrue, if Google has verified the email address
namestringUser Name
picturestringProfile image
given_namestringUser First Name
family_namestringUser Last Name

How to use FacebookLogin

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FacebookLogin } from 'react-social-signin';

function App() {
  const callback = (res) => {
  const onFailure = (res) => {

  return <FacebookLogin fbAppId={'APP_ID'} onFailure={onFailure} callback={callback} />;

export default App;

FacebookLogin button without styling

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FacebookLogin } from 'react-social-sign';

function App() {
  const callback = (res) => {
  const onFailure = (res) => {

  return (
      render={(renderProps) => <button onClick={renderProps.onClick}>This is my custom FB button</button>}

export default App;

How to use LinkdinLogin

First, we create a button and provide required props:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { LinkedIn } from 'react-social-signin';

function App() {
  const callback = (res) => {
  const onFailure = (res) => {
  return (
      onSuccess={(code) => {
      onError={(error) => {
export default App;

Then we point redirect_url to LinkedInCallback. You can use react-router-dom or Next.js's file system routing

  • react-router-dom:
import React from 'react';
import { LinkedInCallback } from 'react-social-signin';

import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Route exact path='/linkedin' component={LinkedInCallback} />
  • Next.js's file system routing:
// pages/linkedin.js
import { LinkedInCallback } from 'react-social-signin';
export default function LinkedInPage() {
  return <LinkedInCallback />;

How to use AppleLogin

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { AppleLogin } from 'react-social-signin';

function App() {
  return <AppleLogin clientId='com.react.apple.login' redirectURI='https://redirectUrl.com' />;
export default App;

Login Props

paramsvaluedefault valuedescription
clientIdstringREQUIREDThe developer’s client identifier, as provided by WWDR.
scopestring-The amount of user information requested from Apple. Valid values are name and email. You can request one, both(separated by space), or none.
redirectURIstringREQUIREDThe URI to which the authorization redirects.
responseTypestringcodeThe type of response requested. Valid values are code and id_token. You can request one or both(separated by space). When requesting an id_token response type, response_mode must be either fragment or form_post.
responseModestringqueryThe type of response mode expected. Valid values are query, fragment, and form_post. If you requested any scopes, the value must be form_post.
statestring-The current state of the request.
noncestring-A String value used to associate a client session with an ID token. This value is also used to mitigate replay attacks.
usePopupbooleanfalseA Boolean that enables showing the flow in a popup.
designProp.heightnumber30The height of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 30 and 64, respectively
designProp.widthnumber140The width of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 130 and 375, respectively.
designProp.colorstringblackThe background color for the button image. The possible values are white and black (the default).
designProp.borderbooleanfalseA Boolean value that determines whether the button image has a border.
designProp.typestringsign-inThe type of button image returned. The possible values are sign-in (the default) and continue.
designProp.border_radiusnumber15The corner radius for the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 0 and 50, respectively.
designProp.scalenumber1The scale of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 1 and 6, respectively.
designProp.localestringen_USThe language used for text on the button.
renderfunction-Render prop to use a custom element, use renderProps.onClick
callbackfunction-callback only work with Response Mode query.

Apple response

Upon authorization success, the server returns the following data object:

     "authorization": {
       "state": "[STATE]",
       "code": "[CODE]",
       "id_token": "[ID_TOKEN]"
     "user": {
       "email": "[EMAIL]",
       "name": {
         "firstName": "[FIRST_NAME]",
         "lastName": "[LAST_NAME]"


  • The user object will only be presented the first time the user authorizes the application.
  • With usePopup: true, designProp won't work except designProp.locale.

Upon failure, the server returns the following data object:

    "error": "[ERROR_CODE]"

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago