0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-spring-components v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago

React Spring Components

An animation component library for common UI animations that are more performant using JS accelerated spring physics.

react-spring-components has peer dependencies on react and react-spring, and supports webpack tree-shaking by default: https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=react-spring-components

npm i react-spring-components


Certain CSS properties like height, width, and scrollTop are traditionally hard to animate in CSS, given that these properties affect layout.

For properties that affect layout, the browser has to recalculate all other elements that are affected by these properties changing, and layout the page again. This is known as browser reflow: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow. As such, these animations tend to be choppy as browser reflow is computation heavy, and blocks the main UI thread.

react-spring-components aims to use react-spring for the most common UI animations where browser reflow is unavoidable, and accelerate these animations with JS spring animations optimized with requestAnimationFrame.


  • HeightSpring
  • WidthSpring
  • Scroller