1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
react-sstate v1.1.0
react-sstate is a small wrapper for the Sstate library using React's context API. This library provides two
components: <SstateProvider />
and <SstateConsumer />
Version | Changes |
0.1.0 | Initial version of react-sstate |
0.2.0 | Improved setSstate and getSstate |
0.2.1 | Fixed the publishing of the component |
0.2.2 | Fixed an issue with providing the right path for getSstate |
0.2.3 | Fixed an issue with providing the right path for setSstate |
1.0.0 | Modified the SstateConsumer to unsubscribe on unmounting and removed the subscriptionId (based on the 1.0.0 version of Sstate) |
1.0.1 | Fixed typo in the readme |
1.0.2 | Updated lodash version due to vulnerability. Moved to Github |
1.1.0 | Added execSstate so using actions becomes simple |
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { SstateProvider } from 'react-sstate';
import { Sstate } from 'sstate';
import FoodCart from './FoodCart';
const FoodStore = new Sstate({
bread: {
baguette: 4,
wholeWeat: 3
fruit: {
apples: 0.5,
bananas: 1
startSync: null,
completedSync: null
}, {
incrementApples: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
setSstate('fruit.apples', sstate.fruit.apples + 1);
doubleApples: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
setSstate('fruit.apples', sstate.fruit.apples * 2);
persist: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
setSstate('startSync', args);
axios.post('/api/fruitStore', state).then(() => {
setSstate('completedSync', Date.now());
class App extends Component {
render() {
return <SstateProvider store={FoodStore}>
<FoodCart />
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { SstateConsumer } from 'react-sstate';
class FoodCart extends Component {
render() {
const {
sstate, // Last state
setSstate, // Method to set/update the state
getSstate, // Method to retrieve the current/part of the state
execSstate // Method to execute (prefdined) actions on the store
} = this.props;
// You can access other state properties by specifying the path.
const baguetteCount = getSstate('bread.baguette');
// You can set other state properties as well, but the component
// is not re-rendered as these properties are not watched.
setSstate('bread.baguette', 5);
// If setSstate is called without a reference, it will set the state
// for the watched value. In this example 'fruit.bananas'
return (
<p>Apple count: {sstate.next} (was {sstate.previous} before)</p>
<p>Baguette count: {baguetteCount}</p>
<button onClick={execSstate.bind(this, 'incrementApples')}>Add apple</button>
<button onClick={execSstate.bind(this, 'doubleApples')}>Double apples</button>
<button onClick={() => execSstate('persist', Date.now())}>Persist store</button>
export default const WrappedFoodCart = () => {
return <SstateConsumer path={'fruit.apples'}><FoodCart /></SstateConsumer>;
Props provided by <SstateConsumer />
to its children
This is the initial/current state of the property that was provided by passing the path on the <SstateConsumer />
This is a method to get the latest state of the watched property, or other properties on the Sstate store.
// Retrieves the watched property provided by the passed path on the SstateConsumer
// With a given path, you can access all other properties on the Sstate store.
getSstate( path )
This is a method for modifying the watched property, or other properties on the Sstate store.
// Updates the watched value
setSstate( newValue )
// With path as the first property, you can also modify other properties
setSstate( path, newValue )
This is a method for executing predefined actions on the store with the possibility to pass in arguments.
// Executes a action
execSstate('actionName', optionalArguments);