1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

react-state-local-storage v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


A React TS hook that handles persistence in LocalStorage, returning a state you can use to perform component rendering.


You can install it with:

npm install react-state-local-storage

// or

yarn add react-state-local-storage


import { useLocalStorage } from 'react-state-local-storage';


useLocalStorage(config: useLocalStorageConfig)

const storageData = useLocalStorage({
    baseName: "@yourAppName",
    initialData: {

Providing a type:

interface UserInterface {
    name: string;
    lastaName: string;
    age: string;

interface ParentsInterface {
    motherName: string;
    fatherName: string;

interface LocalStorageInterface {
    user: UserInterface;
    parents: ParentsInterface;

// {...}

const storageData = useLocalStorage<LocalStorageInterface>({
    baseName: "@yourAppName",
    initialData: {
        // LocalStorageInterface props

Now, storageData has:

  • data: T | null: The data stored with baseName as key base name, with provided type or any. This is a state, so you can manager component rendering whenever it changes. This will be null if LocalStorage is clear;

  • setData(data: T | null): void: The function that storing each prop of data param as a LocalStorage item with baseName as key base name.

  • setItem<I>(key: string, item: I): void: The function that storing item param inside the LocalStorage data with baseName as the key base name. The key param must be exactly the name of property you want to store;

  • removeItem(key: string): void: The function that removing a item stored inside the LocalStorage data with baseName as the key base name. The key param must be exactly the name of property you want to remove;

  • clearStorage(): void: The function that CLEANS ALL (KEEP IN MIND) your application's LocalStorage.


storageData.setData(data: T | null)

const user: {
    name: "Iam",
    lastName: "Costa",
    age: "24"

const parents: {
    motherName: "Francisca",
    fatherName: "Antônio",

storageData.setData({user, parents});
storageData.data.user = { name: "Iam", lastName: "Costa", age: "24" },
storageData.data.parents = {motherName: "Francisca", fatherName: "Antônio"}

storageData.setItem<I>(key: string, item: I)

const user: {
    name: "Iam",
    lastName: "Costa",
    age: "24"

storageData.setItem<UserInterface>("user", user);
// storageData.data.user = { name: "Iam", lastName: "Costa", age: "24" }

storageData.removeItem(key: string)

// storageData.data.user = null


// storageData.data = null
/* any other key previously provided will return null because 
all of your app's localStorage has been cleared, so be careful */

Another way...

There are another hook you can use. The first version of this package with some limitations. Here a example:

import { useLocalStoragePrototype } from 'react-state-local-storage'

// {...}

// This handles storage only in the provided key
const storageItem = useLocalStoragePrototype("@app/key");

const user: {
    name: "Iam",
    lastName: "Costa",
    age: "24"

// given functions

Note: In this case, although the clearStorage function clears the entire LocalStorage, it only returns the state (null value) of the given key, since one object of useLocalStoragePrototype handles only about it own key data.

Take a look

Clone repository below:

git clone https://github.com/iamcosta/react-custom-local-storage-hook.git

Install dependecies:

npm install

// or 



npm run start

// or 

yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Send me feedback

This is my first package and I'm trying to put all my love on it <3


MIT @ Iam Barroso da Costa