1.1.1 • Published 7 years ago
react-stateful-context v1.1.1
A stateful component wrapping the React Context API. Provides consumer callback to update the context state using setState
Codifies the updating context from a nested component pattern from the react docs.
# using yarn
yarn add react-stateful-context
# using npm
npm install react-stateful-context --save
Wraps a React Context as a stateful component. Pass the getInitialState
prop to initialize the component state, and use the setContextState(newState)
consumer callback to update the component state.
import StatefulContext from 'react-stateful-context'
getInitialState={{ count: 0 }}
{/* Retrieve context state property */}
({ count }) =>
<div>Current Count: {count}</div>
{/* Update context state property */}
({ count, setContextState }) =>
<button onClick={() => setContextState({ count: count + 1 })}>Add 1</button>
<button onClick={() => setContextState({ count: count - 1 })}>Subtract 1</button>
Observing State Changes
Use startObservingState
and stopObservingState
to watch for changes to a specific saved value.
// Define Stateful Component
class BaseInput extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = { value: props.defaultValue }
this.context = this.props.context
// update internal state when data changes elsewhere
this.handleObservableChange = () =>
this.setState({ value: this.context.inputValue })
// update context state when input is changed
this.handleInputChange = (ev) =>
this.context.setContextState({ inputValue: ev.target.value })
componentDidMount () {
if (this.props.defaultValue) {
this.context.setContextState({ inputValue: this.props.defaultValue })
componentWillMount () {
this.context.startObservingState('inputValue', this.handleObservableChange)
componentWillUnmount () {
this.context.stopObservingState('inputValue', this.handleObservableChange)
render () {
return (
// Wrap stateful component to access to context in lifecycle callbacks
const TextInput = () =>
{ context => <BaseInput context={context} {...args} />}
// Use it!
<TextInput defaultValue="This the default value" />
{/* The 2nd Input will also get the defaultValue via context after mounting */}
<TextInput />
By default the default export is a shared context – if you need to create a unique context, use createStatefulContext()
import { createStatefulContext } from 'react-stateful-context'
const { Context, Consumer, Provider } = createStatefulContext()
getInitialState={{ text: '' }}
({ text, setContextState }) =>
<button onClick={() => setContextState({ text: text + 'and then. ' })}>Make it longer</button>
MIT License 2018