0.1.9 • Published 2 years ago

react-static-plugin-localized v0.1.9

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2 years ago

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A Localization-Plugin for React-Static. This creates Localized Routes with a config-file and data in form of JSON-files.


In an existing react-static site run:

$ npm i react-static-plugin-localized


Then add the plugin to your static.config.js with a valid config file or object:

import buildConfig from './build.config';

export default {
  plugins: [
        config: buildConfig

Example config-file

  "defaultLanguage": "de",
  "languages": [
      "id": "de",
      "dataPath": "data/locales"
  "commonData": "data/common",
  "seoData": "data/seo",
  "pages": [
      "id": "index",
      "path": "/",
      "templateFile": "src/pages/index",
      "translationKey": "index"
      "id": "stories",
      "customData": {
        "propKey": "posts",
        "dataPath": "data/stories"
      "children": {
        "path": "/post",
        "urlKeyPath": "id",
        "templateFile": "src/containers/Post",
        "propKey": "post",
        "dataPath": "data/stories"

Resulting Routes

This plugin will build localized routes in following structure: 1. for all pages in the defaultLanguage: /[pageRoute] (for example/about) 2. for all pages in not-default-language: /[language-id]/[pageRoute] (for example/en/about)


Default-Language Configuration

The default-Language is simply set with a string such as de in the example above.

Language Configuration

If a language is given as string (here en from example above) it will be translated to:

  "id": "en",
  "dataPath": "data/locales"

If an object is given the id is required, but the dataPath is optional.

In the dataPath of language the Plugin will get the file for each given language. For the above Example there are 2 files in that folder: de.json and en.json.

CommonData (since 0.8)

The data in the given path-string will be read for each language (like normal translation/page-data [path]/[languageId].json) and will be given to every page and their children as a prop with the key common. This can be used for translations of the header/footer for example. BE AWARE! -> here the complete file is given to every page/child!

SeoData (since 0.9)

Works like CommonData above but it gives only the data under the key of the page-id (about for example) to pages. (Children don't get this, their Seo-Info should be placed in their own 'childrenData-Files'/customData).

Page Configuration

Each page has: 1. id 2. path -> which is the route it can be opened in the build 3. templateFile -> the React-Component-File which will be rendered 4. translationKey -> the key which will be read from the language-file (json) and then given to the templateFile in useRouteData (from ReachRouter-React-Static) in the translations-prop. 5. customData with: propKey where it can be read from router (like translations) and dataPath which has a json-file for every language. 6. children with: path as subroute from parent where it can be opened (parent/child/slug), urlKeyPath is the key from the data-file which is used as slug in the route, templateFile is the file which will be rendered (like the templateFile of pages), propKey is the key on which the data will be given to the Component in the templateFile and dataPath like the others where you have to plate a json-file for every language where the plugin reads the data out of

If a page is given as string (here about from example above) it will be translated to:

  "id": "about",
  "path": "/about",
  "templateFile": "src/pages/about",
  "translationKey": "about",
  "customData": null,
  "children": null



In the configured dataPaths the plugin looks for a file [id].json to read the data from it. For example if it loads the data for your index-page and the language en it will get the file /data/locales/en.json (for the example-config above). This file should look something like this:

  "index": {
    "header": "welcome de"
  "about": {
    "header": "about de"
  "404": {
    "header": "404 de"

The Plugin takes the 'index'-key and will give it to the getRouteData-function at the propKey translations.


For customData and the data of page-childs you can choose the propKey in which it is given to your template-component. The DataFiles are filled with an array this time. (To create a route for every child)

    "id": 1,
    "title": "post 1 title en",
    "body": "post 1 body en"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "post 1 title en",
    "body": "post 1 body en"

CustomData and CommonData

The page (or every page and children in case of commonData) will receive the complete file.

  "header": {
    "home": "Start",
    "about": "Über uns"
  "footer": {
    "AGB": "Datenschutz"


Every Page will get the title and description under their id-key as the propkey seo.

  "index": {
    "title": "index en",
    "description": "index-page en"
  "about": {
    "title": "about en",
    "description": "about-page en"
  "stories": {
    "title": "stories en",
    "description": "stories-page en"

Reading the Data in your Components

Reading translation/language/common-Data

From useRouteData you will get the translationData, the current locale and location (for example /about). The current locale and location can be used for routing. You don't have to worry about the language for the texts, you only get the ones for the current language. (This saves data which has to be sent to the client)

import Header from 'Header.jsx';
import { useRouteData } from 'react-static';
export default () => {
  const { translations, locale, location, common, seo } = useRouteData();
    locale for example 'en'
    location for example '/stories/post/1'
  return (
      <SeoHelmet data={seo} />
      <Header data={common.header} />
      <p>Current locale: {locale}</p>
      <p>Current location: {location}</p>
      <h1>Translated header {translations.header}</h1>

Reading custom/children-Data

From useRouteData you will get the custom- or children-Data and the current locale. You only get the current dataSet in the current language. This means if you open /en/blog/post/1 for example you only get the post with the id 1 in the language en.

import { useRouteData } from 'react-static';
export default () => {
  const { post, locale } = useRouteData();
  return (
      <p>Current locale: {locale}</p>
      <h1>Currrent Post-Tilte {post.title}</h1>


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