0.2.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-stream-renderer v0.2.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Version Build Status MIT License

Prototype of Haul CLI

Prototype of Haul CLI. You can see the source here.


yarn add react-stream-renderer


import React from 'react';
import { render, View, makeTTYAdapter } from 'react-stream-renderer';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ color: 'green' }}>
        Hello world!

render(<App />, makeTTYAdapter(process.stdout).makeEffects());



render(element: React.Element, adapter: BaseAdapter): () => void

Render given element using a given adapter (makeTTYAdapter for TTY streams or makeTestAdapter for testing purposes).

Returns forceRender function which triggers full re-render.

makeTTYAdapter(ttyStream: NodeTTYStream): TTYAdapter

Creates an adapter a TTY Node stream. Use chainable API from TTYAdapter for configuring the behavior:

withCustomConsole(options: OverwriteConsoleOptions): TTYAdapter

Redirect console output to specified streams or files.

This method won't have any effect unless makeEffects is called.

options: OverwriteConsoleOptions:

  • exitOnWarning: boolean - Exit on first call to console.warning.
  • exitOnError: boolean - Exit on first call to console.error.
  • outStream: boolean | string | NodeWritableStream - Redirect console output to:
    • stdout.log if true
    • custom file if string with path is supplied
    • custom Node stream if writable node stream is supplied
  • errStream: boolean | string | NodeWritableStream - Redirect console error output to:
    • stderr.log if true
    • custom file if string with path is supplied
    • custom Node stream if writable node stream is supplied

hideCursor(): TTYAdapter

Hides cursor.

This method won't have any effect unless makeEffects is called.

clearOnExit(shouldClearScrollback: boolean = false): TTYAdapter

Clear screen or scrollback (if shouldClearScrollback is true) when process is about to exit.

This method won't have any effect unless makeEffects is called.

clearOnError(): TTYAdapter

Clear screen (scrollback will be untouched) when process is about to exit due to an error.

This method won't have any effect unless makeEffects is called.

makeEffects(): TTYAdapter

Perform accumulated side effects. This method must always be called!


  <View>Hello world</View>,
    .withCustomConsole({ outStream: true, errStream: true })

makeTestAdapter(options: Options): TestAdapter

Creates an adapter for testing. You can provide hooks to assert the rendered content.

options: Options

  • height: number = 40 - Canvas height (default: 40)
  • width: number = 80 - Canvas width (default: 80)
  • onPrint?: (data: string) => void - Testing hook executed on each render, data will be a string with full rendered content.
  • onClear: () => void - Testing hook executed when canvas should be cleared.
  • onSetCursorPosition: (x: number, y: number) => void- Testing hook executed when cursor should be changed.


test('render should draw content', () => {
  const onDraw = jest.fn();
  const adapter = makeTestAdapter({ onDraw });

  render(<View>Test</View>, adapter);



View (aka Text)

Basic building block. Can render text (strings), arrays and other nested components.

Text component is exposed for compatibility and it's the same as View.



class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <View style={styles.title}>Hello world!</View>
        Today is {new Date().toLocaleString()}

const styles = {
  title: {
    margin: '0 1',
    color: 'green',


Attach onPress callback to keypress event. This component by itself doesn't render anything, but it can render passed children.


  • stream: ReadableStream - (Node) Readable stream to read keypress events from.
  • onPress(char: string, key: Key): void - Callback to attach to keypress events.
    type Key = {
      name: string,
      ctrl: boolean,
      shift: boolean,
      alt: boolean,


import React from 'react';
import { KeyPress, Text } from 'react-stream-renderer';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  _onPress = (char, key) => {
    console.log(char, key);

  render() {
    return (
      <KeyPress stream={process.stdin} onPress={this._onPress}>
        <Text>Hello Wolrd!</Text>


Uncontrolled component with progress bar.


  • value: number - Progress value normalized between 0 and 1 (values above 1 will be treated as 1).
  • barWidth: number - Width of progress bar including open and close characters.
  • chars?: Chars - Characters and their styling to use when rendering progress bar.

    type CharProps = {
      char?: string,
      style?: Style,
    type Chars = {
      open?: CharProps, // default char: '['
      close?: CharProps, // default char: ']'
      bar?: CharProps, // default char: '='
      fill?: CharProps, // default char: ' '
  • style?: Style - Object with Style properties


import React from 'react';
import { ProgressBar, Text } from 'react-stream-renderer';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
            bar: { char: '#' },
            fill: { char: '-' },
            open: { style: { color: 'blue' } },
            close: { style: { color: 'blue' } },
        {' Some progress'}


Controlled spinner component based on cli-spinners.


  • type?: string - cli-spinners's type (default: dots).
  • interval?: number - Interval between rendering next spinner frames (be default it is taken from specific cli-spinners animation).
  • frames?: string[] - Custom animation frames.
  • style?: Style - Object with Style properties


import React from 'react';
import { Spinner, Text } from 'react-stream-renderer';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Spinner />
        <Spinner type="line" />
        <Spinner interval={250} />
        <Spinner interval={80} frames={['-', '|', '_', '|']} />

Styling and layout



react-stream-renderer supports both relative (default) and fixed positioning of elements. Use position: 'fixed' (and optionally zIndex, left and right) to make the element fixed to specific position.

Display (block vs inline)

react-stream-renderer supports both block and inline display of elements. By default all <Text> components have display: 'block' set, whereas all inline text (usually strings) have display: inline.





but both



<Text style={{ display: 'inline' }}>A</Text>
<Text style={{ display: 'inline' }}>B</Text>



Style properties

react-stream-renderer supports every color that chalk does.

type Style = {|
  color?: string, // eg: `blue`, `rgb(255, 124, 77)`, `#ffffff`
  backgroundColor?: string, // eg: `blue`, `rgb(255, 124, 77)`, `#ffffff`
  fontWeight?: 'bold' | 'normal',
  fontStyle?: 'italic' | 'normal',
  textDecoration?: 'underline' | 'line-through' | 'normal',
  textTransform?: 'none' | 'capitalize' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase',
  visibility?: 'visible' | 'hidden',
  margin?: string, // <top> <right> <bottom> <left> eg: `2 1 0 3`, `1 2 3`, `2 1`, `1`
  marginTop?: number,
  marginBottom?: number,
  marginLeft?: number,
  marginRight?: number,
  padding?: string, // <top> <right> <bottom> <left> eg: `2 1 0 3`, `1 2 3`, `2 1`, `1`
  paddingTop?: number,
  paddingBottom?: number,
  paddingLeft?: number,
  paddingRight?: number,
  height?: number,
  width?: number,
  display?: 'block' | 'inline',
  border?: string,
  borderStyle?: 'none' | 'solid' | 'double',
  borderColor?: string,
  textAlign?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right',
  zIndex?: number, // supports both  negative, 0 and positive values
  position?: 'relative' | 'fixed',
  left?: number,
  top?: number,