0.1.0-beta.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

react-substrate v0.1.0-beta.1.1

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Last release
5 years ago


Auto-generate data bindings between react components and GUN DB nodes

React-Substrate provides auto-magical state management, with offline-first auto-synchronized storage, as-needed relationships, and real-time updates, all in one convenient little library. Simply wrap components and receive data.


yarn add https://github.com/rm-rf-etc/react-substrate#latest


Currently in beta

Current work is focused on developing a simplistic but flexible API around GUN DB's API, along with advanced data types and convenience methods for all the major use cases.

Feature Agenda

  • Index enforcement
  • Dimentional AdvancedType
  • Add-on API
  • Dev-mode index dump
  • Dev-mode index dump, server-side
  • AdvancedType add-on API - AdvancedType rehydration - AdvancedType method hooks
  • User auth - User data - private - User data - public
  • Messaging
  • Invite-based account creation
  • RBAC


Unavailable right now. Too many changes have been happening to the API.

Dev Testing

If you are using npm link to develop the library and test in a local project, you may encounter this error:

Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function
component. This could happen for one of the following reasons

You simply need to link react in react-substrate to the react in your project. https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/15315#issuecomment-479802153