3.0.0 • Published 2 months ago

react-table-odata-source v3.0.0

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2 months ago

React Table OData Source (aka TanStack React Table)

This library providers a hook that will take the state from React Table and turn it into OData queries.


There are a lot of parameters, options, and return types, but most use cases are very straight-forward. There is an examples directory that has a working examples.

Create an OData backed TanStack Table

Infrastructure setup. Helper functions exist to "bind" fetch and parse functions once. By default the helper functions will use fetch, but let's say axios is required. Bind the axios function once and it is good to go.

// best OData metadata parser
import { metadataParser } from 'ts-odatajs/lib/odata/metadata';
import { ODataMetadata } from 'odata-metadata-processor';
import axios from 'axios';
import { bindMetadataQuery, bindDiscoverQuery, bindODataSource } from 'react-table-odata-source';

const parseFn = (xml: string) => metadataParser(null, xml) as ODataMetadata;
// this can be anything as long as it takes a string and returns a promise of the data
const fetchFn = (url) => axios({ url }).then(r => r.data);

// all tanstack queries will build from the query key passed in
const queryKey = ["YOUR", "TANSTACK", "QUERY", "KEY"]

// helper functions to bind options
// once bound then can be overridden later, or will use these as the defaults
// each one of these bind functions can be executed with no options to default everything
const useMetadataQuery = bindMetadataQuery({ parseFn, fetchFn, queryKey });
const useDiscovery = bindDiscoverQuery({ fetchFn, queryKey });
const useOdata = bindODataSource({ fetchFn, queryKey });

Now that there are bound hooks, they can be used to build a TanStack Table.

import { ReactTableProvider } from "react-table-provider";
import { getCoreRowModel
    } from "@tanstack/react-table";
// build your own Table components, check under tests to see an example
import { Table, Pagination, ColumnHiding, Debug } from 'your/components/Table';

// you can add to a column by partially defining the column
// it will be merged by the id
const customColumns = [
    { id: 'Price', cell: ({ getValue }) => getValue() ? formatMoney(getValue()) : null},
    { id: 'Description', filter: ODataContainsFilter, enableColumnFilter: true }

const App = () => {
    // this is a real OData service document you can use
    const metadatUrl = useDiscovery('https://services.odata.org/V4/OData/OData.svc/Products');
    const metadata = useMetadataQuery(metadatUrl);
    const odata = useOdata({
        baseAddress: 'https://services.odata.org/V4/OData/OData.svc/Products',
        entityType: 'ODataDemo.Product',
        metadata: metadata.data,

    // ReactTableProvider is a context that allows a table to be
    // composed in pieces. The return type of useOdata is designed
    // to go straight into TanStack Table
    return (<div>
            <ColumnHiding />
            <Table />
            <Pagination />
            { fetching ? 'Loading...' : null }
            <Debug />

There are multiple functions that can change any behavior. For example, columnFn handles the output of all the columns. There is a default, but is easily overriden. utils.tsx has most of the defaults and odataHelpers.ts is where the defaults are bound through the "binder" functions.

Hooks to load and use OData Metadata

These are the underlying hooks that power all the functionality. useDiscoverMetadata and useODataMetadata are both used to discover and then load the metadata for an OData service. useODataSource then will turn that metadata into a TanStack Table state object and build the correct queries to load data from the service. All automatically.


This hook fetches a service document and returns the '@odata.context' property. Use this to 'discover' the metadata Url when you know the root.


  • options: An object of type UseDiscoverMetadataOptions that specifies how to fetch the service document.


  • baseAddress: The base address for the OData service.
  • fetchFn: A function that fetches the service document from the given URL.
  • queryKey: An array of strings that uniquely identifies the query.
  • options: TanStack Query options, excluding 'queryKey' and 'queryFn'.


  • The '@odata.context' property of the fetched service document.


const context = useDiscoverMetadata({
  baseAddress: 'https://example.com/odata',
  fetchFn: fetch,
  queryKey: ['serviceDocument'],
  options: {},


This hook fetches and parses OData metadata.


  • options: An object of type UseODataMetadataOptions that specifies how to fetch and parse the metadata.


  • metadataUrl: The URL from which to fetch the metadata.
  • fetchFn: A function that fetches the metadata from the given URL.
  • parseFn: A function that parses the metadata string into an ODataMetadata object.
  • queryKey: An array of strings that uniquely identifies the query.
  • options: TanStack Query options, excluding 'queryKey' and 'queryFn'.


  • A query object that contains the fetched and parsed metadata.


const metadata = useODataMetadata({
  metadataUrl: 'https://example.com/odata/$metadata',
  parseFn: parseMetadata,
  fetchFn: fetch,
  queryKey: ['metadata'],
  options: {},


This hook fetches and processes OData source.


  • options: An object of type UseODataSourceOptions that specifies how to fetch and process the OData source.


  • baseAddress: The base address for the OData service.
  • entityType: The type of the entity to fetch.
  • includeNavigation: Whether to include navigation properties in the fetched data. Turn this off to just load one type without having to explicitly exclude everything else.
  • metadata: The metadata for the OData service.
  • selectAll: Whether to select all properties of the entity. Use this to continue to select all the properties even when certain properties are hidden.
  • initialState: The initial TanStack Table state.
  • filterMapFn: A function that maps a column filter to an OData filter.
  • fetchFn: A function that fetches the data from the given URL.
  • queryOptions: TanStack query options, excluding 'queryKey' and 'queryFn'.
  • queryKey: An array of strings that uniquely identifies the query.
  • columnFn: A function that maps a property to a TanStack Table column definition.
  • customColumns: An array of custom column definitions merged by id. This can either add a custom column definition to a property from OData. Or just add a column that does not exist in OData.


  • An object of type ODataSource that contains the fetched and processed data.


  • data: The fetched data.
  • state: The current TanStack Table state.
  • setState: The table state setter.
  • onStateChange: Same function as setState, just named the same as the function name for TanStack Table.
  • columns: The columns of the table.
  • pageCount: The number of pages in the table.
  • meta: Metadata about the data source.

Meta Properties

  • baseAddress: The base address for the OData service.
  • total: The total number of entities in the data source.
  • queryString: The query string used to fetch the data.
  • boundQueryKey: The string array used as the query key for TanStack Query. Great for finding or invalidating queries as needed.
  • typeRoot: The root type of the entities in the data source.
  • defaultOrder: The default order of the entities in the data source.


const dataSource = useODataSource({
  baseAddress: 'https://example.com/odata',
  entityType: 'Product',
  includeNavigation: true,
  metadata: metadata,
  selectAll: true,
  initialState: {},
  filterMapFn: mapFilter,
  fetchFn: fetch,
  queryOptions: {},
  queryKey: ['dataSource'],
  columnFn: mapPropertyToColumn,
  customColumns: [],