1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

react-tree-file-system v1.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


A basic tree file system that allows customisation

  • custom CSS and classNames
  • drag and drop available
  • demo available

1 Demo

Version 1.1.0 npm.io

Version 1.0.6 npm.io

You can also try out here

2 Get Started

# To download, either
npm install --save react-tree-file-system
# or
yarn add react-tree-file-system

In your code

import Tree from 'react-tree-file-system';

// import stylesheet
import 'react-tree-file-system/index.css';

Uncontrolled component

  • you can toggle folder to open or close by using recursion
const recursiveSetState = (tree, indexes, currIndex, key, value) => {
  const dupTree= tree.slice();
  const getIndex = indexes[currIndex];
  if (currIndex === indexes.length - 1) {
    dupTree[getIndex][key] = value;
    return tree;
  dupTree[getIndex].children = recursiveSetState(
    (dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0),
    currIndex + 1, key, value
  return dupTree;

// ...

class YourClass extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      treeValue: [
          title: 'folder name'
          type: 'folder',
          children: [
              title: 'child 1'
              title: 'child 2'
              title: 'child 3'

  render() {
    return (
      // ...

        folderOnClick={(_, indexes, state) => {
          this.setState(prevState => {
            return {
              treeValue: recursiveSetState(prevState.treeValue, indexes, 0, 'isOpen', state);

      // ...
  • you can support on drag with recursion
const recursivelySetChild = (tree, toIndexes, currIndex, extractData) => {
  const dupTree= tree.slice();
  const getIndex = toIndexes[currIndex];
  if (currIndex === toIndexes.length - 1) {
    return tree;
  dupTree[getIndex].children = recursivelySetChild((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), toIndexes, currIndex + 1, extractData);
  return dupTree;

const getRecursiveItem = (tree, fromIndexes, currIndex) => {
  const dupTree = tree.slice(0);
  const getIndex = fromIndexes[currIndex];
  if(currIndex === fromIndexes.length - 1) {
    const child = dupTree.filter((_, i) => i === getIndex);
    return child[0];
  return getRecursiveItem((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), fromIndexes, currIndex + 1);

const popRecursiveItem = (tree, fromIndexes, currIndex) => {
  const dupTree = tree.slice(0);
  const getIndex = fromIndexes[currIndex];
  if(currIndex === fromIndexes.length - 1) {
    const filtered = dupTree.filter((_, i) => i !== getIndex);
    return filtered;
  const children = popRecursiveItem((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), fromIndexes, currIndex + 1);
  dupTree[getIndex].children = children;
  return dupTree;

// ...

class YourClass extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      treeValue: [
          title: 'folder name'
          type: 'folder',
          children: [
              title: 'child 1'
              title: 'child 2'
              title: 'child 3'

  render() {
    return (
      // ...

        onDrag={(fromIndexes, toIndexes) => {
          this.setState(prevState => {
            const extractData = getRecursiveItem(prevState.defaultTree, fromIndexes, 0);
            const extraData = recursivelySetChild(prevState.defaultTree, toIndexes, 0, extractData);
            const newData = popRecursiveItem(prevState.defaultTree, fromIndexes, 0);
            return {
              defaultTree: newData

      // ...

4 Tree Structure

// Node
interface Node {
  title: string,
  isOpen?: boolean,
  // isLocked?: boolean, // No support yet
  // isHidden?: boolean, // No support yet
  children?: Node[],
  folderIcon?: React.Element,
  fileIcon?: React.Element,
  style?: React.CSSProperties,
  className?: string,
  // able to add anything here

// Example
    title: 'main', // what is displayed
    isOpen: false, // optional
    type: 'folder',
    folderIcon: <FolderIcon /> // optional
    children: [
        title: 'Child 1',
        title: 'Readme.md',
        fileIcon: <FileIcon />, // optional
        text: 'demo text'
  // ... repeat Node


valueThe Tree structure given in point 4Node[]undefined
fileOnClickCalled when file is clicked(event, indexes: number[], value: Node) => voidundefined
folderOnClickCalled when folder is clicked(event, indexes: number[], state: boolean, value: Node) => voidundefined
onDropCalled when something is dragged on folder Replace onDrag(event, fromIndexes, toIndexes) => voidundefined
onDragCalled when something is dragged on folder Depreciated(event, fromIndexes, toIndexes) => voidundefined
folderIconReplace the default folder iconJSX.Elementundefined
fileIconReplace the default file iconJSX.Elementundefined
stylecustomize the general styleReact.CSSPropertiesundefined
isDraggablecustomize the general styleReact.CSSPropertiesfalse
selectedEnable highlighting of cell clicked. Basically just store the indexes as indexes.join(',')stringundefined
selectedClassNamecustomize the highlighted style with your own classNamestringundefined