0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago
react-troll v0.0.4
react useReducer organizator
"the troll eated dispatch"
React best state manegement hook is useReducer, without this helper library you can use very well. After application complexity groving in time, this troll woll be handy. Because give a simple controll to you!
troll : deconstruction
As other hooks use power of array decunstruction, react-troll also give naming to your hand: because useTroll return with state and setOfActions - action creator with dispatch - array:
const [state, setOfActions] = useTroll(reducer, init, actionsLookup);
But when you dosn't deconstruct immedietley, instead:
const troll = useTroll(reducer, init, actionsLookup);
return <InteractiveComponent troll={troll} />
Then you know your component reach your state and actions which they need. Also can pass troll to down her childrens.
export const InteractiveComponent = ({troll:[{a, b, c}, {aAction, bAction}]}) => {
useEffect(_ => bAction,[b]);
return <div onClick={_ => aAction(c)}>{a}</div>;
For example:
import React from 'react';
import {useTroll} from 'react-troll';
import {fooReducer, fooInit, fooActionSet} from 'fooTroll';
const troll = useTroll(fooReducer, fooInit, fooActionSet);
return (
<FooNavigation troll={troll} />
<FooApplication troll={troll} title="foo item set" className="foo-application" />
import {actionFactory, kebabToCamelCase} from 'react-troll';
export const [getActionsLookup, action] = actionFactory(kebabToCamelCase);
export const
GENERATE_NEW_ITEM = action('generate-new-item'),
REMOVE_ITEM = action('remove-item')
export fooInit = {
items: [];
const randomId = _ => Math.random().toString(32).slice(-8);
export const fooReducer = (state, {type, payload}) => {
switch (type) {
const id = randomId();
return {...state, items:[...state.items, {id, label: `my id is: ${id}`}]};
return {...state,
items: state.items.filter(({id}) => id != payload);
default: return state;
import React from 'react';
export const FooApplication = ({troll, title, ...props}) => {
const [state, actions] = troll;
const {items} = state;
const {generateNewItem, removeItem} = actions;
return (
<section {...props}>
<button onCLick={ _ => generateNewItem}>add item</button>
{items.map(({id, label}) => <span key={id}>{label} <span onClick={_ => removeItem(id)}>X</span></span>)}
coming: react-troll-saga