2.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
react-ts-pager v2.0.1
React pagination control using BootStrap v4 and Font Awesome default icons.
import { Pager } from '/react-ts-pager';
currentPage={number} // Current page
total={number} // Total number of items.
itemsPerPage={number} // The items shown per page.
visiblePages={number} // Number of page numbered buttons to show.
titles={object} // JSX Elements used for non page number buttons ie. first (optional).
className={string} // ClassName added to pager controls (optional).
pageClassName={string} // ClassName add to page buttons (optional).
onPageChanged={function} // Callback that receivce the page number that has been clicked.
mobileViewHideClass{string} // class used to hide the mobile view. default: d-sm-none
desktopViewHideClass{string} // class used to hide the desktop view. default: d-none d-sm-flex
You can pass any number of the properites to override the default page button content.
titles = {
first: <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleDoubleLeft} />,
prev: <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleLeft} />,
next: <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleRight} />,
last: <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleDoubleRight} />,
prevSet: <>...</>,
nextSet: <>...</>,