0.2.6 • Published 1 year ago

react-ts-pagination v0.2.6

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Last release
1 year ago




A React Component to render pagination in a simple and Declarative way.

By installing the package you'll have this default pagination look, but you can easilly overwrite it using your own classes and styles.

Note: if you want to have the default styles, you must import the styles file "import 'react-ts-pagination/styles.css'", else you'll have to style everything using your own classes or style.

why react-ts-pagination

  • Supports Typescript out of the box, so you can forget aboutnpm install @types/react-ts-pagination .
  • Supports client-side pagination using usePagination hook.
  • Supports server-side pagination using useServerPagination hook.
  • Heavily tested using unit tests for all possible edge cases and is immune to future errors, so releasing a broken version of this package is highly unlikely.
  • highly flexible with the right amount of abstraction so you can use the package without the hooks and provide your own props and styles.
  • Strongly typed using advanced typescript to narrow down your types and avoid passing the wrong prop or parameter type, which gives you nice auto-completion.


Install react-ts-pagination

with npm:

npm install react-ts-pagination

with yarn:

yarn add react-ts-pagination


  • With usePagination Hook:

import { Pagination, usePagination } from 'react-ts-pagination';
import 'react-ts-pagination/styles.css';

function App() {
  const { currentPageNumber, pageItems, numberOfPages, handlePageChange } = usePagination({
    itemsPerPage: 8,

  return (
    <div className='App'>
        {pageItems.map((page) => (
          <tr key={page.id}>


Edit Button

  • With useServerPagination Hook:

    Note: because this hook uses react query under the hood you must wrap you component with the provider to use this hook.
import { Pagination, useServerPagination, Provider } from 'react-ts-pagination';
import 'react-ts-pagination/styles.css';

function App() {

 const fetchData = async (page: number) => {
    const data = await (await fetch(`https://api.github.com/orgs/GSG-G11/repos?page=${page}&per_page=10`)).json();
    return data;

  const { pageItems, isFetching, currentPageNumber, handlePageChange } = useServerPagination<Repo[]>({
    queryFunction: fetchData,

  return (
       <div className='App'>
      {isFetching ? (
        <Skeleton />
      ) : (
        <Table tableHeaders={tableHeaders}>
          {pageItems?.map(({ id, name, description, owner, visibility }) => (
            <tr key={id}>
              <td>{description?.slice(0, 20)}</td>


export default () => (
    <App />

Edit Button

  • Passing your own custom props:

import { Pagination } from 'react-ts-pagination';
import 'react-ts-pagination/styles.css';

const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 10;
const numberOfPages = Math.ceil(items.length / ITEMS_PER_PAGE);

function App() {
  const [pageItems, setPageItems] = useState<typeof items>[];
  const currentPageNumber = useRef(1);

  const handlePageChange = (pageNumber: number, pageRef: HTMLSpanElement | undefined) => {
    const FIRST_PAGE_NUMBER = 1;
    const LAST_PAGE_NUMBER = numberOfPages;

    const isFirstPage = pageNumber + 1 === FIRST_PAGE_NUMBER;
    const isLastPage = pageNumber - 1 === LAST_PAGE_NUMBER;

    if (isLastPage || isFirstPage) return;

    const start = (pageNumber - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    const end = pageNumber * ITEMS_PER_PAGE;

    currentPageNumber.current = pageNumber;
    setPageItems(items.slice(start, end));

  useEffect(() => {
    const start = (currentPageNumber.current - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    const end = currentPageNumber.current * ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    setPageItems(items.slice(start, end));
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className='App'>
        {pageItems.map((page) => (
          <tr key={page.id}>


Edit Button

How to use?

usePagination hook:

Parameters: a single object Parameter with these props:

itemsArrayRequired: The Array that you want the paginate on.
initialPageNumberNumberOptional: The initial page selected. Default is 1
ItemsPerPageNumberOptional: the number of items to display on each page. Default is 10

Returns: an Object with these props:

pageItemsArrayThe current items state, for the current page number selected
currentPageNumberNumberThe page number state
numberOfPagesNumberThe computed number of total pages that should be rendered, depending on the passed items array length
handlePageChangeFuntion: (pageNumber:number, pageRef:RefObject)=> voidthe handler function to handle changing pages, it expects pageNumber and the page dom Reference to be passed as parameters

useServerPagination hook:

Parameters: a single object Parameter with these props:

queryFunctionFunctionRequired: The function that the query will use to request data, it expects the page number to be passed as a parameter.
initialPageNumberNumberOptional: The initial page selected. Default is 1
cacheTimenumberOptional: The time in milliseconds after data is considered stale Default is 10_000

Returns: an Object with these props:

isFetchingBooleanA boolean that presents the state of of the request
statusstringA string that presents the state of of the request(loadingsuccesserror)
isErrorBooleanA boolean that indicates if error occurred or not while fetching the page.
errorobjectA standard error object if an error occurred while fetching pages.
currentPageNumberNumberThe page number state
handlePageChangeFunctionthe handler function to handle changing pages, it expects pageNumber and pageRef to be passed as parameters

Pagination Component:


currentPageNumberNumberRequired: The current page number state. You can either get it from usePagination hook or you can pass you own currentPageNumber state.
numberOfPagesNumberRequired: The number of total pages that should be generated. You can either get it from usePagination hook or you can pass you own numberOfPages state.
onPageChangeFunction: (page,pageRef)=>{}Required: the handler function to handle changing pages, it gets passed the currentPageNumber and the the dom reference for current page.
nextLabelString or Refrence to A ComponentOptional: The next button text label. Default is :
nextBtnClassStringOptional: A class name to apply to the next button. Default is btn
prevLabelString or Refrence to A ComponentOptional: The prev button text label. Default is :
prevBtnClassStringOptional: A class name to apply to the prev button. Default is btn
pageStyleObjectOptional: An standard inline style object to style pages. Default is:{}
activePageSyleObjectOptional: An standard inline style object to style current active page. Default is:{}
pageClassStringOptional: A class name to apply to each page. The default class is page
activePageClassStringOptional: A class name to to apply to the current acitve page or the page that being hovered. Default is active-page
paginationContainerClassStringOptional: A class name to apply to the parent container for the whole component. Default is pagination
pagesContianerClassStringOptional: A class name to apply to the direct parent of the pages. Default is pages
buildPageTextFunciton: (pageNumber:number) => number \| stringOptional: A function that will be called inside each page element to render the inner text for that page element. Default is: (pageNumber) => pageNumber `


To run the demo locally, clone the repository and move into it:

git clone git@github.com:amjed-98/react-ts-pagination.git
cd react-ts-pagination

Install dependencies:

npm install | yarn

preview the Demo

npm run demo | yarn demo

Open your browser and go to

Run the tests

npm run test | yarn test

Run the tests in the browser with nice UI presentation

npm run test:ui | yarn test:ui

1 year ago


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