0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago
react-ui-components-workshop v0.0.1
React UI components workshop
First component: Button
- STEP1: Style the button
- STEP2: Style different button states (hover, active, focused)
- STEP3: Add props to change button themes
- STEP4: Add constants/enums for color
- STEP5: Export Button
- Add knob to change Button props
Second component: Input
- STEP1: Add Input folder and create an input component (
) - STEP2: Style the input (hover, focused)
- STEP3: Add props to change field validation status
- STEP4: Explain constants/enums for shared dimentions
- STEP5: Export the input
- Something to think about: number, email, password inputs?
Input story
- Add Input.stories.tsx and create a story
- Use addon
to display value on change
Publish package to npm
- STEP1:
$ npm login
- STEP2:
$ npm run build
- STEP3:
and exports - STEP4:
$ npm publish
- STEP5: Go to stackblitz.com and use your components in a new project
Third component: Content card (Try do it yourself)
- STEP1: Add Card folder and create a Card component (
) - STEP2: Style the Card (Default color, fonts, shadow, border, padding?)
- STEP3: Optional contents on Card and default styles (Heading, Subheading, Separator?)
- STEP4: What if the Card is a Anchor link?
- STEP5: What if we want the Card's header section to be an image?
- STEP6: How does the Card defines its margins and its layout in it's parent component?
- STEP7: What if the background color must be in contrast with its container?
- Something to think about: What if your designers didn't realise they are creating so many variations?
Update npm package version
6 years ago