1.0.7 • Published 3 years ago

react-undoredo-middleware v1.0.7

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Last release
3 years ago


This is a middleware base on redux. You don't need to worry about your undo/redo code and the service code mess up. when some operation like add new item, paste item, drag item to resort, .etc. you just need to add a sign named $$UNDO_REDO_TYPE to your redux action's payload, talk to the middleware that this operation is supporting undo/redo features.

Unlike redux-undo, This middleware don't use the snapshot to cache the past/future state. Just cache the undo/redo type and some required params and your self-defined params. Combined with your custom undo/redo handler, to reach the undo/redo object. This will not make your redux state so giant and has a great performance.


Using npm:

$ npm i --save react-undoredo-middleware


1. Register Middleware

In your reducer:

import {undoRedoHandlers, undoRedoTypes} from 'react-undoredo-middleware'

const counterReducer = (state, action) => {
  const {payload} = action
  switch(action.type) {
	//...other code
	case undoRedoTypes.DEFAULT_ADD_HISTORY:
	  state = undoRedoHandlers.DEFAULT_ADD_HISTORY(state, payload)
      return {...state}
    case undoRedoTypes.UNDO_ACTION:
      state = undoRedoHandlers.UNDO_ACTION(state, payload)
      return {...state}
    case undoRedoTypes.REDO_ACTION:
      state = undoRedoHandlers.REDO_ACTION(state, payload)
      return {...state}
      return state

export default counterReducer

define your custom undo/redo handlers:

const undoHandlers = {
   * @param {*} state redux state 
   * @param {*} undoAction when redo something, we need to cache it to the undoAction
   * @param {*} undoItem cache Item(like sometimes you remove a item but may recover it in the future)
  add: (state, undoAction, undoItem) => {
    state.value -= 1
	return state

const redoHandlers = {
  * @param {*} state redux state 
  * @param {*} undoAction when undo something, we need to cache it to the redoAction
 add: (state, redoAction) => {
    state.value += 1
	return state

export {

register the middleware:

import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
import {undoRedo} from 'react-undoredo-middleware'
import logger from 'redux-logger'
import reducer from "./Modules"
import {undoHandlers, redoHandlers} from './customerHandlers'

const undoRedoWithExtraArgument = undoRedo.withExtraArgument({ customUndoHandlers: undoHandlers, customRedoHandlers: redoHandlers })

const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(undoRedoWithExtraArgument, logger))

export default store

2.Use in Component

2.1 Base usage

import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import CounterActions from '../store/Modules/counter/actions'
import {undoRedoActions} from 'react-undoredo-middleware'

const Counter = (props) => {
  const {counter, Increment, Decrement, UNDO_ACTION, REDO_ACTION} = props
  return (
      <button onClick={() => Increment({$$UNDO_REDO_TYPE: 'add'})}>+</button>
      <button onClick={() => Decrement({$$UNDO_REDO_TYPE: 'minus'})}>-</button><br/>
      <button onClick={() => UNDO_ACTION()}>undo</button>
      <button onClick={() => REDO_ACTION()}>redo</button>

export default connect(
  state => ({
    counter: state.Counter.value

2.2 more options

In order to handle with other complicated service. except $$UNDO_REDO_TYPE, we can add more options to the payload.


Such as:

<button onClick={() => Decrement({$$UNDO_REDO_TYPE: 'minus', index: 0, path: [], newValue: 0, oldValue: -1})}>-</button><br/>

Those options will cache into undoStack:

Get those params in custom undo/redo handler:

const redoHandlers = {
  * @param {*} state redux state 
  * @param {*} undoAction when undo something, we need to cache it to the redoAction
 add: (state, redoAction) => {
 	const {index, path, newValue, oldValue, cacheItem} = redoAction
	// handle complicated situation
	return state

Those above are built-in params. If you need add your self-defined params into your undoStack, see below:

<button onClick={() => Decrement({$$UNDO_REDO_TYPE: 'minus'}, {customDefinedArg: 'hello'})}>-</button><br/>

In this demo, function Decrement defined as below:

Decrement: (payload, customerOptions) => ({
    type: 'decrement',

2.3 running demo

Clone this project package source, then change dir into demo, after intsalling node_modules, you can run the simple demo of undo/redo. and see how it works.

See the package source for more details.


3 years ago


3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago