0.4.0 • Published 2 months ago

react-use-oauth2-popup v0.4.0

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2 months ago


This small library is designed to simplify working with OAuth2 in your React applications. Authorization with a third-party service is called in a new popup window of the browser. It allows you to use multiple providers and separate the logic of interaction with third-party services (methods).

Getting Started

To install in your project, use the following command:

npm i react-use-oauth2-popup // or yarn add react-use-oauth2-popup


First, you need to create configurations for OAuth2 using OAuthParams and pass it as a params argument to the context provider. Create a configuration outside the component.

import { OAuthParams } from 'react-use-oauth2-popup';

const params = new OAuthParams(redirectUri, providers)


  • redirectUri: string - Required - This is the URL where the browser will redirect after the user authorizes access - The string must contain :provider and :method - Specifies the path to the page where the useOAuthPopup hook is called
  • providers: Record<string, {url: OAuthReqParams | OAuthUrlFn, popup?: PopupViewParams}> - Required - This is an enumeration of all the providers that will be used - Option popup - Optional - Allows you to customize the settings of the popup window - An RedirectUriParams as a value: - width?: number | undefined - Optional - Defines the width of the popup - Defaults to 450px - height?: number | undefined - Optional - Defines the height of the popup - Defaults to 600px - position?: 'center' | {leftOffset?: number, topOffset?: number} | undefined - Optional - Defines the position of the popup - Defaults to center - Option url - An OAuthReqParams as a value - Creates a link based on the specified parameters - Note that state and redirect_uri will be added automatically - Must be: - base_path: string - Required - Authorization server URL - client_id: string - Required - Public identifier for the app - scope?: string | string[] | undefined - Optional - The request may have one or more scope values indicating additional access requested by the application - response_type?: 'code' | 'token' | undefined - Optional - Defines response type after authentication - Default to code - other_params?: Record<string, string | string[] | number[] | boolean> | undefined - Optional - Lists any parameters that will be included in the URL name=value - An OAuthLinkFn as a value - Manual version of the link compilation - Must be: - (redirect_uri: string, state: string) => string - Example:
const params = new OAuthParams(`external/:method/:provider`, {
   providerName: {
      url: (redirect_uri, state) => `https://base-path.com?redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&state=${state}&....`,
      popup: { ... }


import { OAuthParams, OAuthProvider } from 'react-use-oauth2-popup';
import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from 'react-router-dom';

const params = new OAuthParams('/external/:provider/:method', {
   google: {
      url: {
         base_path: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth',
         client_id: process.env.google_client_id,
         response_type: 'code',
         scope: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email']
   discord: {
      url: {
         base_path: 'https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize',
         client_id: process.env.discord_client_id,
         response_type: 'code',
         scope: 'identify'
      popup: {
         height: 600,
         width: 500

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/login',
    element: <LoginPage />
    path: '/external/:provider/:method',
    element: <PopupPage />

const App = () => {
  return (
    <OAuthProvider params={params}>
      <RouterProvider router={router} />

OAuthParams Templates

You can also use pre-defined TypeScript OAuth templates (GitHub, Discord, VK, Twitch, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft). Usage example:

const params = new OAuthParams(`external/:provider/:method`, (templates) => ({
    google: templates.google({
      client_id: process.env.google_client_id,
      response_type: 'code',
      include_granted_scopes: true,
      scope: [...scopes]
    discord: templates.discord({
      client_id: process.env.discord_client_id,
      response_type: 'code',
      prompt: 'consent',
      scope: [...scopes]


After you have specified the configuration, you need to call the useOAuth hook on the desired page

const {
} = useOAuth(method?, events?)


  • method: string Required This allows you to use the credentials handlers in the useOAuthPopup hook
  • events?: PopupEvents | undefined Optional An PopupEvents as a value: onSuccess?: ({ provider: string, method: string, credentials: Record<string, string>, data: TData}) => Promise<void> | void Optional This function will fire when the credentials is received and processed using the useOAuthPopup hook. Can return a promise which will resolve the data (activeProvider will not change value to null, until the promise is resolved) The data value contains the result of execution from the corresponding handler from useOAuthPopup The credentials value contains all the parameters returned by the provider onError?: ({ provider: string, method: string, code: string, details?: TError | ErrorResponse }) => void Optional This function will fire when an error occurs during the process The details is not empty only if the error was returned by the handler from the useOAuthPopup hook or if the provider returned an error. code will be State Mismatch - The state value returned after receiving the credentials does not match * Callback Error - The function passed to process the method in the useOAuthPopup hook failed with an error * Invalid Parameters - An invalid provider is specified or an error has been made in redirect_uri * Failure Response - The provider returned an error onOpen?: (provider: Privider) => void Optional This function will fire when a popup opens onClose?: () => void Optional This function will fire when a popup closes


  • openPopup: (provider: string) => () => void * Function for invoking the popup
  • closePopup: () => void Function to close the popup If the popup is already closed, but the onSuccess event has not yet been executed, the onSuccess event will not be interrupted
  • activeProvider: string | null Name of the current popup provider It will keep its value until the onSuccess is executed


import { useOAuth, ErrorCodes } from 'react-use-oauth2-popup';
import { redirect } from 'react-router-dom';

const LoginPage = () => {
   const { openPopup } = useOAuth('login', {
      onSuccess: ({ data }) => {
      onError: (error) => {
            case ErrorCodes.StateMismatch:
            //notification: try again
   return (
      <button onClick={openPopup('discord')}>
         Login with Discord


The hook should be called on the page specified in the "redirectUri". After receiving the credentials from the provider, this page will be opened and the appropriate handler method will be called.

After processing the data, the popup will be closed automatically, even if an error occurs.

const {
} = useOAuthPopup(handlers, options?)


  • handlers: Record<string, (data: { method: string, provider: string, credentials: Record<string, string> }) => Promise<unknown> | unknown>
  • handlers: (data: { method: string, provider: string, credentials: Record<string, string> }) => Promise<unknown> | unknown Required Recommendation: use it to send credentials to the backend of the application If multiple handlers: You can specify a default handler that will be called if there is no handler for a specific method * The key for each handler is the method that you specified in the useOAuth hook
  • options: PopupConfig | undifined Optional An PopupConfig as a value: directAccessHandler: (() => void) | undefined Optional This function will fire when the page is opened manually Default to () => window.location.assign(window.location.origin) delayClose: number | undefined Optional Defines the delay in milliseconds before closing the popup for any outcome Default to 0


  • status: string Will be: idle The initial state. Does not change if the page is opened manually running If it processes the received data success If the data has been processed successfully error If the data has been processed unsuccessfully isIdle: boolean A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience isRunning: boolean A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience isError: boolean A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience isSuccess: boolean * A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience


import { useOAuthPopup } from 'react-use-oauth2-popup'

const PopupPage = () => {
  const { isSuccess, isError } = useOAuthPopup({
    login: async ({ credentials }) => {
      const res = await fetch('example.com/login', {
        method: 'post',
        body: JSON.stringify(credentials)
      return res.json()
    default: () => {
      console.log('No method specified')
    return <SuccessIcon />
    return <ErrorIcon />
  return <LoaderIcon />


To strictly specify the lists of available methods and providers, use the extension of the definition of CustomTypeOptions

Create an oauth.d.ts, for example:

// import the original type declarations
import 'react-use-oauth2-popup'

declare module 'react-use-oauth2-popup' {
  // Extend CustomTypeOptions
  interface CustomTypeOptions {
    provider: 'google' | 'discord' | ...
    method: 'login' | 'join' | 'connect' | ...

To enhance the typing of the returned values for details in both success and error cases, it is recommended to use generics

import { useOAuth } from 'react-use-oauth2-popup';
import { DiscordSuccess, GoogleSuccess, DiscordError, GoogleError } from 'types'

type Success = {
   discord: DiscordSuccess;
   google: GoogleSuccess;

type Error = {
   discord: DiscordError,
   google: GoogleError

useOAuth<Success, Error>()

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