1.0.1 • Published 1 month ago

react-weblineindia-master-grid v1.0.1

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1 month ago

ReactJS - Master-Grid Component

The React Grid component is a customizable and feature-rich data grid that allows you to display and manage tabular data efficiently. When a row in the Master Grid is expanded, a new Detail Grid appears underneath that row. It supports pagination, sorting, searching, and voice-based search for enhanced user experience. This component can be easily integrated into your React applications.

You can easily customize the component's appearance and behavior by using the provided props. The browser support includes modern versions of popular browsers, ensuring compatibility across various platforms.

Table of contents

Browser Support

83.0 ✔83.0 ✔11.9 ✔



Getting started

Install the npm package:

npm install react-weblineindia-master-grid
yarn add react-weblineindia-master-grid


Use the <react-weblineindia-master-grid> component:

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import { useGridContext } from "react-weblineindia-master-grid";
import Grid from "react-weblineindia-master-grid";

const App = () => {
   const { setColumnState, visibleColumns } = useGridContext();
  const [data, setData] = useState({});
  const [allData, setAllData] = useState([]);
  const [parameter, setParameter] = useState({
    page: 1,
    records: 10,
    searchQuery: "",
    sortColumn: "",
    sortOrder: "ASC",
  const [editedData, setEditedData] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    //HERE, You can call your API...
  }, [parameter]);

  useEffect(() => {
    //HERE, You can call your API...
  }, []);

  const getData = async () => {
    const response = await axios.get(

  const getAllData = async () => {
    const response = await axios.get(`http://localhost:3000/master-grid/all`);

  const handlePageChange = (page) => {
    setParameter({ ...parameter, page: page });

  // Dropdown change event for pagination
  const onDropdownChange = (records) => {
    setParameter({ ...parameter, records: records });

  // Sorting
  const handleSort = (field) => {
    if (field !== "action") {
      if (field === parameter.sortColumn) {
        // Reverse the sort direction if the same column is clicked
        const order = parameter.sortOrder === "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";
        setParameter({ ...parameter, sortOrder: order });
      } else {
        // Set the new sort column and default sort direction
        setParameter({ ...parameter, sortColumn: field, sortOrder: "ASC" });

  // Searching
  const onSearch = (value) => {
    setParameter({ ...parameter, searchQuery: value });
  // clear search Input
  const onClear = () => {

  // Event for storing the searchQuery based on voice search
  const micHandlerForSearch = (value) => {
    setParameter((prevParameter) => ({
      searchQuery: value,

  // Function to handle inline edit for child rows
  const handleEdit = (rowIndex, childIndex, columnKey, value) => {
    const updatedData = [...editedData];
    if (!updatedData[rowIndex]) {
      updatedData[rowIndex] = [];
    if (!updatedData[rowIndex][childIndex]) {
      updatedData[rowIndex][childIndex] = {};
    updatedData[rowIndex][childIndex][columnKey] = value;

  // Function to save the edited data back to the main data array
  const handleSave = (rowIndex, childIndex, data, columnKeys) => {
    const updatedData = [...data];
    const editedRowData = editedData[rowIndex]?.[childIndex];
    if (editedRowData) {
      columnKeys.forEach((columnKey) => {
        if (editedRowData.hasOwnProperty(columnKey.columnKey)) {
          updatedData[rowIndex].children[childIndex][columnKey.columnKey] =
    setEditedData((prevEditedData) => {
      const updatedEditedData = [...prevEditedData];
      updatedEditedData[rowIndex][childIndex].edit = false;
      return updatedEditedData;

  // Function to cancel the edit and discard changes
  const handleCancelEdit = (rowIndex, childIndex) => {
    const updatedData = [...editedData];
    updatedData[rowIndex][childIndex].edit = false;

  const handleSelectCheckbox = (selectedData) => {

  const isSearch = true;
  const searchProps = {
    searchPlaceHolder: "Search/Speak Something...",
    searchBoxStyle: "search-box",
    searchInputDivStyle: "input-area",
    searchInputStyle: "search-input",
    clearButtonStyle: "clear-button",
    onSearch: onSearch,
    onClearBtn: onClear,

  const isVoiceSearch = true;
  const voiceSearchProps = {
    micIconStyle: "mic-icon",
    popupContentStyle: "large-mic",
    micHandlerForSearch: micHandlerForSearch

  const gridTableProps = {
    data: data?.data,
    noRecordMessage: "No Records Available",
    gridTableDivStyle: "table-container",
    noRecordMessageStyle: "no-record-message-style", 
    gridTableStyle: "grid-table",
    expandButtonStyle: "expand-button",
    isCheckboxVisible: true,
    isShowChildrenGrid: true,
    isEditableGrid: true,
  const columnProps = [
    { columnKey: "roleName", label: "Role", type: "text", isParent: true, isEditable: true },
    { columnKey: "userName", label: "Name", type: 'text', isEditable: true },
    { columnKey: "emailId", label: "Email ID", type: 'text', isEditable: true },
    { columnKey: "phone_no", label: "Mobile Number", type: 'text', isEditable: true },
    { columnKey:"gender", label: "Gender",type :'text' ,isEditable :true},
    { columnKey: "age", label: "Age", type: 'number', isEditable: true },
    { columnKey: "country", label: "Country", type: 'dropdown' },
    { columnKey:"action", label: "Action" ,type :'button'},

  const isPagination = true;
  const paginationContainerProps = {
    data: data,
    PaginationDropDownValues: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100],
    paginationRecordsSpan: "Records Per Page:",
    customRecordMessage: `Showing ${parameter.records} of ${data?.childrenRecords} records`,
    paginationContainerStyle: "pagination-container",
    paginationStyle: "pagination",
    paginationActiveStyle: "active",
    handlePageChange: handlePageChange,
    parameter: parameter,
    onDropdownChange: onDropdownChange
  const isColumnVisibility = true;
  const columnVisibilityProps = {
    columnVisibilityStyle: "column-visibility",
    label: 'Manage Columns',

  const isExcelAllowed = true;
  const excelProps = {
    data: allData,
    headers: columnProps,
    filename: "Data",
    exportBtnStyle: "button",
    label: "Export to Excel",

  return (
export default App;

API Response

Please note that you have the flexibility to customize the columns of both the parent and child tables according to the data received from your API. The component is designed to dynamically adapt to your data structure, allowing seamless integration with various APIs.

Below is an example of how the data should be structured for the component to work correctly. You can adjust the columns and data fields as per your API's response to display the desired information efficiently:

const data = {
  data: [
      //Parent table Data
      roleId: 1,
      roleName: "Super Admin",
      children: [
          userId: 1,
          userName: "Smit Shah",
          age: "35",
          country: "USA",
        //Add more children data
      roleId: 3,
      roleName: "Owner",
      childrenRecords: [],
    //Add more data
  totalParentRecords: 2,
  childrenRecords: 1,
  page: 1,
  limit: 5,
  totalPages: 1,


The React Grid component not only offers powerful data management capabilities but also provides the freedom to customize the CSS styles to match your application's design and branding. This means you can tailor the appearance of the grid according to your taste and seamlessly integrate it into your existing UI.

You have control over various elements,

  • searchProps

    • searchInputStyle: Apply custom styles to the search input.
    • clearButtonStyle: Customize the clear button next to the search input.
    • onSearch: Method to handle Search Functionality.
    • onClearBtn: Method to handle Clear Search Input.
    • parameter : It contains state parameters.
  • voiceSearchProps

    • micIconStyle: Customize the microphone icon for voice-based search.
    • popupContentStyle: Apply custom styles to the voice search popup container.
    • popupMicIconStyle: Customize the microphone icon inside the voice search popup.
    • micHandlerForSearch: Handle the mic for search.
  • gridTableProps

    • gridTableStyle: Tailor the appearance of the grid table with custom styles.
    • expandButtonStyle: Apply styles to the expand button within the grid table.
  • paginationContainerProps

    • paginationContainerStyle: Customize the pagination container with your preferred styles.
    • recordsPerPageStyle: Apply custom styles to the records per page dropdown in the pagination.
    • paginationStyle: Customize the overall pagination component with your desired styles.
    • paginationActiveStyle: Apply styles to the active page number in the pagination component.
    • handlePageChange: Method to handle page change,
    • parameter: It contains the state values,
    • onDropdownChange: Method to handle dropdown change
  • columnVisibilityProps

    • columnVisibilityStyle: Apply styles to the column visibility.
  • excelProps

    • data: This key should be assigned the array of data that you want to export to the Excel file.
    • headers: Assign an array of column headers to this key.
    • filename: Provide a desired filename (without the file extension) for the exported Excel file.
    • exportBtnStyle: Apply styles to the expand button within the grid table.
    • label: Specify the text that should appear on the export button. .

Available Props

isSearchBooleanfalseFor showing Search input
searchPropsObjectContains props for the search input
isVoiceSearchBooleanfalseFor showing Voice base Search
voiceSearchPropsObjectContains props for the voice base search
gridTablePropsObjectContains props for the data table
columnPropsArray of ObjectAn array of objects defining the columns of the data table
isPaginationBooleanfalseFor showing Pagination
paginationContainerPropsObjectContains props for the Pagination
isExcelAllowedBooleanFor Showing Export button
excelPropsObjectContains props for the export to excel
isColumnVisibilityBooleanFor Showing column menu
columnVisibilityPropsObjectContains props for the visibility columns


searchPlaceHolderString'Search...'For showing Search Place holder
searchBoxStyleStringCustom styles for the search input and mic-icon div
searchInputStyleStringCustom styles for the search input
clearButtonStyleStringCustom styles for the clear button next to the search input
onSearchFunctionMethod to handle Search Functionality
onClearBtnFunctionMethod to handle Clear Search Input
parameterObjectIt contains state parameters.


micIconStyleStringCustom styles for the microphone icon search
popupContentStyleStringCustom styles for the voice search popup container
popupMicIconStyleStringCustom styles for the microphone icon in the voice search popup
micHandlerForSearchFunctionHandle the mic for search


dataArrayContains actual data to be displayed on grid
noRecordMessageStringnullDisplay message when no data found
gridTableStyleStringCustom styles for the Grid table
noRecordMessageStyleStringCustom styles for the no data found string
expandButtonStyleStringCustom styles for the expand the grid Table
onHandelSelectedCheckboxMethodFunction will receive Select Checkbox Value
isCheckboxVisibleBooleantrueFor Showing Checkbox
isShowChildrenGridBooleantrueDisplay Single grid
isEditableGridBooleantrueDisplay Editable Grid
handleSortFunctionMethod to handle sort functionality
parameterObjectIt contains state parameter
handleEditFunctionMethod to handle Edit row text box
handleSaveFunctionMethod to handle Save row data
editedDataArrayIt contains array to manage row data
handleCancelEditFunctionMethod to handle Cancel Edit


columnKeyStringRepresenting the unique key of the column
labelStringRepresenting the label to display in the header
Example : columnProps = {columnKey:'', label:'' }


dataObjectContains actual data to be displayed on grid
paginationDropDownValuesArrayAn array of numbers representing the available options for records per page in the Pagination
paginationRecordsSpanStringShow Per Page:Custom text to display before the Dropdown
customRecordMessageStringShowing 10 of 10 recordsCustom message to display the number of records shown
paginationContainerStyleStringCustom styles for the pagination container
paginationStyleStringCustom styles for the Pagination component
paginationActiveStyleStringCustom styles for the active page number in the Pagination component


columnVisibilityStyleStringCustom styles for the column visibility
labelStringManage Label for visibility modal
closeBtnLabelStringManage close button label


dataArrayRepresenting the unique key of the column
headersArrayRepresenting the label to display in the header
filenameStringRepresenting the label to display in the header
exportBtnStyleStringRepresenting the label to display in the header
labelStringRepresenting the label to display in the header

Want to Contribute?

  • Created something awesome, made this code better, added some functionality, or whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it.
  • Create new branch to contribute your changes.
  • Commit all your changes to your branch.
  • Submit a pull request.

Collection of Components

We have built many other components and free resources for software development in various programming languages. Kindly click here to view our Free Resources for Software Development


Detailed changes for each release are documented in CHANGELOG.md.




react-weblineindia-master-grid, react-master-grid, parent-child, reactjs-master-grid, react-master-grid-component, master-grid, grid, detail-grid