1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

react-wizard-builder v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


A set of React components for building multi step wizards in a simple manner

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

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Install 💻


npm install --save react-wizard-builder


yarn add react-wizard-builder

Usage ⚒️

import Wizard from 'react-wizard-builder'

const App = () => (
    renderHeader={(props) => <Header {...props} />}
    onNextStep={({ currentStep }) => console.log('On next step ' + currentStep)}
    onPreviousStep={({ currentStep }) => console.log('On previous step ' + currentStep)}
    onFinish={() => console.log('Wizard finished!')}
    <Wizard.Step render={({ currentStep, next, previous, firstStep, lastStep }) => <div>Step 1</div>} />
    <Wizard.Step render={({ currentStep, next, previous, firstStep, lastStep }) => <div>Step 2</div>} />
    <Wizard.Step render={({ currentStep, next, previous, firstStep, lastStep }) => <div>Step 3</div>} />

API 📚️


All render props receives the WizardFramework object as a parameter, wich has a set of utilities to handle the wizard: | Prop | Type | Description | ------------- |:-------------:| -----| | currentStep | Number| The current step of the wizard. | countSteps | Number| The amount of steps of the wizard. | next | Function| Function to go to the next step. | previous | Function| Function to go back to the previous step. | goToStep | Function| Function to go to a specified step. | lastStep | Boolean| Boolean which specifies if the current step is the last one. | firstStep | Boolean| Boolean which specifies if the current step is the first one.



renderHeaderFunctionTrueFunction to render the header. Receives WizardFramework object as param and returns a React component.
renderStatusBarFunctionTrueFunction to render a custom status bar. Receives WizardFramework object as param and returns a React component.
hideStatusBarBooleanFalseHides the status bar. Defaults to False.
renderFooterFunctionFalseFunction to render a custom footer. Receives WizardFramework object as param and returns a React component.
hideFooterBooleanTrueHides the footer. Defaults to False.
onNextStepFunctionTrueCallback when the wizard will go to next step.
onPreviousStepFunctionTrueCallback when the wizard will go to previous step.
onFinishFunctionTrueCallback when the wizard will finish.
initialStepNumberFalseDefaults to 0.
previousStepLabelStringFalseLabel to show on previous step button. Defaults to 'Previous'.
nextStepLabelStringFalseLabel to show on next step button. Defaults to 'Next'.
finishStepLabelStringFalseLabel to show on finish wizard button. Defaults to 'Finish'.
classNameStringFalseCSS class name to override default wizard styles.
footerClassNameStringFalseCSS class name to override default footer styles.
statusBarClassNameStringFalseCSS class name to override default status bar styles.
statusBarProgressClassNameStringFalseCSS class name to override default status bar progress styles.



renderFunctionTrueFunction to render the step content. Receives WizardFramework object as param.

Examples 📘

Check sample code here

Live preview here

Author ✍️

Nicolás Martínez - nmartinezb3