1.3.9 • Published 9 months ago

react_dynamic_nested_table v1.3.9

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9 months ago

React Dynamic Nested Table

This is a table component that is so powerful to create a nested table, and also can filter(show-hide) columns.


Use the package manager npm/yarn to install react dynamic nested table.(please read the documentation first)

npm i react_dynamic_nested_table
yarn add react_dynamic_nested_table



import MainTable, { FilterTableColumn } from 'react_dynamic_nested_table';

How to use table component

How to use a simple table :

 const titles = [

const data = [
        name: 'John',
        age: 20,
        address: 'Jessore',
        phone: '123456789',

        name: 'Doe',
        age: 30,
        address: 'Dhaka',
        phone: '123456789',

<MainTable data={data} titles={titles} />
# How to use dynamic table :

 const titles = [

const data = [
        name: 'John',
        age: 20,
        address: 'Jessore',
        phone: '123456789',

        name: 'Doe',
        age: 30,
        address: 'Dhaka',
        phone: '123456789',

const newData = data?.map((item) => {
      return {
        name: item.name,
        age: item.age,
        address: item.address,
        phone: item.phone

<MainTable data={newData} titles={titles} />
How to use Filter in a table :

 const titles = [

const [columnPreviousDataId, setColumnPreviousDataId] = React.useState("");
const [columnPreviousData, setColumnPreviousData] = React.useState([]);
const [tableTitles, setTableTitles] = React.useState([...titles]);
const [isShowTableColumn, setIsShowTableColumn] = React.useState({
      Name: true,
      Age: true,
      Address: true,
      Phone: true

### N.B: make sure the title name, and table column condition name are the same. Don't use something like this to name your_name. Use instead YourName.It will generate a table header Like this (Your Name)

const data = [
        name: 'John',
        age: 20,
        address: 'Jessore',
        phone: '123456789',

        name: 'Doe',
        age: 30,
        address: 'Dhaka',
        phone: '123456789',

const newData = data?.map((item) => {
      return {
        ...isShowTableColumn.Name && { Name: item.name },
        ...isShowTableColumn.Age && { Age: item.age },
        ...isShowTableColumn.Address && { Address: item.address },
        ...isShowTableColumn.Phone && { Phone: item.phone },

const handleFilterPostData = async (columndata) => {
      #  console.log(columnData)
      #  post and put column data from here

### you can get data from API and set your state to use

### use this component to add a filter. You can use it and dialog/modal with the button if you want to show it in a dialog/modal


### table component with filter true props to add filter

< MainTable data={newData} filter={true} />
## Available table props are

| Props             | Types   | Default Value      | Description              |
| ----------------- | ------- | ------------------ | ------------------------ |
| data              | Array   | []                 | Data for table.          |
| titles            | Array   | []                 | Table header title.      |
| filter            | Boolean | false              | Filter table column.     |
| tableHeaderDesign | Object  | color: '#111936'   | Table header design.     |
| align             | String  | left               | Table header text align. |
| style             | Object  | {}                 | Table style.             |
| dense             | string  | padding:"0.875rem" | Table padding.           |

## Available filter props are

| Props                | Types   | Default Value | Description             |
| -------------------- | ------- | ------------- | ----------------------- |
| tableTitles          | Array   | []            | Table header title.     |
| setTableTitles       | Func    |               | Set table header title. |
| isShowTableColumn    | Boolean | true          | Show table column.      |
| setIsShowTableColumn | Func    |               | Set show table column.  |
| titles               | Array   | []            | Table header title.     |
| handlePostData       | Func    |               | Handle post data.       |


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details



  • Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
  • Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.