0.3.1 • Published 4 years ago

readable-elapsed-timer v0.3.1

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Last release
4 years ago

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Readable Elapsed Timer

A tool for easily finding the time elapsed between two parts of your code.


Import the Timer class at the top of your file. If your project uses ES6 modules then do the following.

import Timer from "readable-elapsed-timer";

If your poject uses CommonJS modules, then do the following.

const Timer = require('readable-elapsed-timer')

Then you can create a new timer object to keep track of time within your code. Call the elapsed() method to return the time elapsed in a human readable format. To get the time between two different points without creating a new timer object, simply call the reset() method.

// Delay function for demonstration purposes.
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const main = async () => {
  const timer = new Timer();
  await delay(100);
  // "100 miliseconds"

  await delay(500);
  // "500 miliseconds"

  await delay(1000);
  // "1.5 seconds"
  // Notice we didn't reset the timer this time.



npm install readable-elapsed-time

Advanced Usage

The constructor accepts an options object as an argument.

const options = {
    start: new Date('November 5, 1955').getTime(),
    brief: true

All of the elapsed family of methods accept an options argument as well. In addition to the options available on the constructor, you can set an end time. This allows you to get time elapsed without actually needing to wait.

const options = {
    start: new Date("November 5, 1955").getTime(),
    end: new Date("October 21, 2015").getTime(),
    brief: false

const elapsed = timer.elapsed(options);

// "525600 hours"

Setting start allows you to give the timer instance an arbitrary start time. Setting brief changes the default function of the timer instance to show time formatted as abbreviations ("5s" instead of "5 seconds").

The following additional methods are available on an instance of Timer.

  • elapsedVerbose() This will return the time elapsed formatted to be human readable even if the timer is configured otherwise. If timer.elapsedVerbose() is called after five seconds, 5 seconds will be returned.
  • elapsedBrief() This will return the time elapsed formatted using abbreviations even if the timer is configured otherwise. If timer.elapsedBrief() is called after five seconds, 5s will be returned.
  • elapsedRaw() This will return the time elapsed in miliseconds without any additional formatting. If timer.elapsedRaw() is called after five seconds, 5000 will be returned.
  • elapsedRaw() This will return the time elapsed in miliseconds without any additional formatting. If timer.elapsedRaw() is called after five seconds, 5000 will be returned.


  • 0.3.1 - Added two more tests for the undocumented language feature. Updated dependencies.

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago