0.1.0 • Published 10 years ago

recumbent v0.1.0

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10 years ago

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recumbent is a Couch DB client for Node.js.


To use recumbent, install the library for your application.

$ npm install recumbent

Connecting to a server

var recumbent = require('recumbent');
var server = new recumbent.Server({ url: 'http://localhost: 5984', database: 'my_stuff' });
server.getInfo(function (error, result) {
  // result = { couchdb: "welcome", version: "1.6.1", ... }

In all classes, you may either pass a Server object or url and database attributes.

Creating a new database

var recumbent = require('recumbent');
var database = new recumbent.Database({ url: 'http://localhost:5984', database: 'my_stuff' });
database.create(function (error, result) {
  // result = { ok: true }

Destroying a database

var recumbent = require('recumbent');
var database = new recumbent.Database({ url: 'http://localhost:5984', database: 'my_stuff' });
database.destroy(function (error, result) {
  // result = { ok: true }

Inserting a document

To insert a document, create an instance of a Writer.

var recumbent = require("recumbent");
var writer = new recumbent.Writer({ server: server });
var obj = {
  message: "Hello, World!"
writer.data(obj).exec(function (error, result) {
  if (error) {
    throw error;
  console.log("Success! ID: " + result.id);
  console.log("   Revision: " + result.rev);

Updating a document

Updating a document is identical to inserting a document. The only difference is that updated documents must have a _rev attribute. Use the data() function to set the data to be sent to the server.

var writer = new recumbent.Writer({ server: server });
var obj = {
  _id: '04bb33dc698297b4806062feae00cb93',
  _rev: '1-4439af2c7634656dc6f6397eb4c2259b',
  message: "Déjà vu"
writer.data(obj).exec(function (error, result) {
  if (error) {
    throw error;
  console.log("Success! ID: " + result.id);
  console.log("   Revision: " + result.rev);

Attempting to write a document with a duplicate ID but without giving a revision will result in an error.

Querying for a document by ID

To query for documents, create a new instance of the Query object. Use the doc() function to set the document ID to fetch.

var query = new recumbent.Query({ server: server });
query.doc('04bb33dc698297b4806062feae00cb93').exec(function (error, result) {
  if (error) {
    throw error;
  console.log("      ID: " + result._id);
  console.log("Revision: " + result._rev);

Creating a design document

Design documents are not different from any other type of document in Couch. Therefore, creating design documents is the same as creating any other document.

var designDocument = {
  _id: '_design/employees',
  description: 'All views and filters related to employee data.'
  views: {
    all: function (doc) {
      if (doc.type === 'employee') {
        emit(doc._id, doc);
  language: 'javascript'
var writer = new recumbent.Writer(options);
writer.data(designDocument).exec(function (error, result) {
  console.log("      OK: ", result.ok);
  console.log("Revision: ", result.rev);

Once the document has been created, you can query with the ddoc() and view() functions. Queries may be augmented with key, startkey, endkey, skip, and limit options.

var query = new recumbent.Query(options);

// query a view

// query a view by key

// query a view by startkey and endkey

// query a view by skip and limit

Adding an attachment to a document

Attachments can be added to existing documents in two ways.

First, add the _attachments attribute to an existing document and write the document as described above.

var recumbent = require("recumbent");

var docWithAttachment = {
  description: "This document has an attachment.",
  _attachments: {
    "test.txt": {
      content_type: "text/plain",
      data: "VGhpcyBpcyBteSB0ZXh0IGRvY3VtZW50"

var writer = new recumbent.Writer(options);

As with other updates, if the document is existing, then it must have a _rev attribute.

Second, use the Attachment object to put a new attachment on an existing document.

var recumbent = require("recumbent");

var att = new recumbent.Attachment(options);

Getting an attachment

var recumbent = require("recumbent");

var att = new recumbent.Attachment(options);
att.doc(someDocId).name(someAttachmentName).exec(function (error, result) {
  // result = your document content


Running Tests

$ npm test

10 years ago


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10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago