1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

redis-json-memoize v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


Caches the JSON response of a provided promise into the provided Redis. Ideal for caching responses from database calls in your API.

If you are looking to reap the benefits of Redis caching in your API, this library provides a simple and easy-to-use solution.

Compatible with both ioredis and node redis.

For more info on Redis: https://redis.io/topics/introduction


npm install --save redis-json-memoize

Usage Examples

Providing Redis instance directly

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redisMemoize = require('redis-json-memoize');
const config = require('../../config');
const UserModel = require('../models/user'); // Could be from Mongoose, Sequelize etc

const redisInstance = new Redis(config.redisUrl);

function getUserByName(userName) {
	return UserModel.find({ name: userName });

module.exports = redisMemoize.memoize(getUserByName, { redis: redisInstance });

Initializing module with Redis instance

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redisMemoize = require('redis-json-memoize');
const config = require('../../config');
const UserModel = require('../models/user'); // Could be from Mongoose, Sequelize etc

const redisInstance = new Redis(config.redisUrl);

	redis: redisInstance,

function getUserByName(userName) {
	return UserModel.find({ name: userName });

module.exports = redisMemoize.memoize(getUserByName);

Clearing cached responses for a specific function

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redisMemoize = require('redis-json-memoize');
const config = require('../../config');
const UserModel = require('../models/user'); // Could be from Mongoose, Sequelize etc

const redisInstance = new Redis(config.redisUrl);

	redis: redisInstance,

function getUserByName(userName) {
	return UserModel.find({ name: userName });

const cachedGetUserByName = redisMemoize.memoize(getUserByName);

module.exports = {
	getUser: cachedGetUserByName,
	clearCachedUsers: cachedGetUserByName.clearCache, // Will clear cached responses for this function only. Can accept a locator string.


memoize (fn : Function, options: Object)

Returns a memoized version of the provided function.

  • fn Provided function - Must return a promise - Should be named as specifically as possible (fn.name will be used to write the redis key for the cached response) - NOTE: it is not recommended that you use this module to memoize Express/Hapi request handlers. Redis keys are written using a combination of fn.name and the function inputs stringified. HTTP requests are large circular objects, so the memoization will not be effective - fn.clearCache memoizedFunction.clearCache will clear Redis keys that were written memoizedFunction only. Similar to global clearCache method, can accept a locator string.

  • options - redis This is where the Redis instance is provided. Compatible with both ioredis and node-redis. - ttl Sets the TTL (time to loss) for responses memoized from this function. NOTE: Redis TTL's are in seconds, not milliseconds.

initialize (options: Object)

Initializes implementation of redis-json-memoize.

  • redis Object. Required. A redis instance.
  • ttl Number. TTL for cached data in your Redis. If not provided, a default is used.
  • disableLogs Boolean. Defaults to false. If true, all logs from redis-json-memoize will be muted.
  • prefetchRatio Number. Defaults to 0.7. Determines the time, as a ratio of TTL, at which cached data is marked as "stale". When Redis returns a "stale" object, it triggers a background refresh of that data.
  • startupTime Number. Default 5 seconds. Determines how much time is allowed at startup for Redis to boot before the module begins memoizing provided functions.
  • promiseLibrary Object. Default is native Promise. This gives you an option to provide Bluebird or another promise library if you feel the desire to do so.

clearCache (locator: String, redis: Object)

Clears cached responses from Redis.

  • locator String. Not required. If provided, only Redis keys that contain this string will be cleared
  • redis Object. Not Required if initialize has been used. A redis instance.


  • Test coverage
  • Improve documentation surrounding clearing of cache