0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

redis-nextra v0.1.0

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7 years ago



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Node.js V8 redis, enhanced with native promises and extra functionality. Written in full ES2017. Async is the future!


// First, we require redis-nextra.
const Redis = require('redis-nextra');

// Create a connection to redis with a string
const redis = new Redis.Client('host:port', options); // or just 'host' if the port is the defualt port
// As an array of strings, to evenly load the servers
const redis = new Redis.Client(['host1:port', 'host2'], options);
// As an object to custom weight different servers
const redis = new Redis.Client({ "host1:port": 1, host2: 2 }, options); // host 2 will take on 2x the load that host 1 will

// Make sure to listen the events from redis.
    .on('ready', () => console.log('Redis-Nextra is ready.'))
	.on('serverReconnect', server => console.warn(`Redis server: ${server.host.string} is reconnecting`))
	.on('error', err => console.error('Redis error:', err));

// As in virtual tables, tables.has is sync as it checks a value from a Set.
// And redis.createTable only adds a new value to said Set.
if (!redis.tables.has('users')) redis.createTable('users');

// Check if the key 'Sandra' exists in the virtual table 'users'.
// If it exists, return true, otherwise set it.
    .then(exists => exists ? true : redis.table('users').setJson('Sandra', { age: 21 }));

// The example above is equal to:
    .then(exists => exists ? true : redis.set('RDN_users_Sandra', JSON.stringify({ age: 21 })));

// redis.has is a method from redis-nextra which calls redis.exists and
// returns a Boolean.


All methods return Native Promise.

Additionally, this package does use of Proxy when using redis.prototype.table, which is an object oriented way to use it, for example:

Normally, with Redis you would use the following code:

redis.psetex('RDN_someTable_someEntry', 10000, JSON.stringify(someObject));

However, with Redis-Nextra and using the redis.prototype.table's proxy:

redis.table(someTable).setJson(someEntry, someObject, 10000);

Additionally, this package uses virtual tables stored in redis.prototype.tables as a Set and uses JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() internally on all methods with the Json suffix, normal methods will work as expected from the Redis.io documentation.


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