1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

redis_mongoose v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago

What's this

This is pretty simple tool that helps you with caching mongoose queries to mongoDB.

It exsposes


method for all mongoose queries

and also adds separate method for clearing cache




npm i --save redis_mongoose


const redisMongoose = require('redis_mongoose');

In your main file (usualy src/index.js) Usually you already have instance of Mongoose imported in this file, if not, add it with

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

Now execute init function, passing in Mongoose instance and optionally Redis adress, by default local redis runs on 'redis://', this value will be used by default.


Thats all. Now you can just add


to your queries and the app will do its job.


I have some api, it assepts user.id, looks in database for that user's blogs and returns the result. Insted of punching DB with the exact same request I can do just one request to DB, cache it and then return cached value for every same request.

app.get('/api/blogs', requireLogin, async (req, res) => {
        const blogs = await Blog.find({ _user: req.user.id }).cache();


In this case the cache will be stored forever, so in order to keep things working it is crucual to clean cache manualy in some cases. In this case I must clear chashe when new blog is posted, so I will do it in respected api controller.

const { clearCache } = require('redis_mongoose');
app.post('/api/blogs', async (req, res) => {
        <!-- some work on putting stuff to db, validatind etc -->
        <!-- clear cach afterwards -->


There are some options to help you fine-tune your caching strategy


cacheKey is key for field, can be empty so uniq hash from queryAnd CollectionName will be made

              *REDIS STORE*

cacheGroupKey allows you to group fieds

              *REDIS STORE*


ttl is how long in seconds cache for group will live, by default it will live forever

              *REDIS STORE*

          |__default__| <-- will be deleted after 60 seconds

STAR and Contribute!

Visit my github, give me a star! https://github.com/fritzlolpro/redis_mongoose

Also if u have any questions or proporsals -- you know what to do!