0.0.6 • Published 1 month ago

redprint-forge v0.0.6

Weekly downloads
Last release
1 month ago


!NOTE You can find our alpha mvp and relevant examples here

!WARNING The code is not audited yet. Please use it carefully in production.


There are 2 ways: with Node.js and one Git Submodules

with Node

This is the recommended approach.

We assume that you already setup your working environment with hardhat + foundry as specified in foundry 's guide or hardhat 's guide and cd into it

cd my-project;
  1. Add the redprint-forge using your favorite package manager, e.g., with Yarn:
yarn add -D redprint-forge
  1. Adding remappings.txt with following line:

git submodules


What is it for ?

One of our Swiss army knife toolset: redprint-forge is a developer-friendly framework/library in solidity to modify & deploy OPStack ’s contracts in a modular style.

The features include:

  • Type-safe smart contract deployment

  • Re-usable smart contract deployment and testing pipeline

  • Standardized framework, minimizing developer mistake and enhancing better security

  • All-Solidity-based so no context switching, no new scripting syntax in other languages

Together with Redprint Wizard UI, which is a code generator/ interactive playground oriented for OPStack development, it does not only help novice developers to deploy OPStack's smart contracts to deploy on OP mainnet, but also help them to use generated deployment script in their own projects.


We are currently still in an experimental phase leading up to a first audit and would love to hear your feedback on how we can improve Reprint.

If you want to say thank you or/and support active development of redprint-forge:

  • Add a GitHub Star to the project.
  • Tweet about redprint.
  • Write interesting articles about the project on Medium, or your personal blog.
  • Keep Optimistic !!

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago