1.0.12 • Published 3 years ago
redstone-api-extended v1.0.12
Redstone API (extended)
This is an extended version of redstone-api.
It adds the oracle
module, allowing to fetch data packages from decentralized cache layer (including redstone-cache-layer nodes and streamr network) and use it in Blockchain Smart Contracts with tools like redstone-evm-connector.
📦 Installation
Using npm
npm install redstone-api-extended
Using yarn
yarn add redstone-api-extended
🤖 Usage
// Using Node.js `require()`
const redstone = require('redstone-api-extended');
// Using ES6 imports
import redstone from 'redstone-api-extended';
Get data packages with default sources configuration
// Get package for all symbols
const dataPackage = await redstone.oracle.getFromDataFeed("redstone-avalanche-prod");
// Get package for one symbol
const dataPackage = await redstone.oracle.getFromDataFeed("redstone-avalanche-prod", "ETH");
Available data feed ids
- redstone
- redstone-stocks
- redstone-rapid
- redstone-avalanche
- redstone-avalanche-prod
Get default data sources configuration for data feed
const dataPackage = redstone.oracle.getDefaultDataSourcesConfig("redstone-stocks");
Get data packages with custom sources configuration
// Get with custom data sources config
const dataPackage = await redstone.oracle.get({
"sources": [
"type": "streamr",
"streamrEndpointPrefix": "0x981bdA8276ae93F567922497153de7A5683708d3/redstone-oracle",
"disabledForSinglePrices": false,
"evmSignerAddress": "0x981bdA8276ae93F567922497153de7A5683708d3"
"type": "cache-layer",
"url": "https://api.redstone.finance",
"providerId": "TEHhCDWy-vGmPSZsYJyM0aP_MM4xESgyIZdf5mVODzg",
"evmSignerAddress": "0x981bdA8276ae93F567922497153de7A5683708d3"
"type": "cache-layer",
"url": "https://api.redstone.finance",
"providerId": "ll8DlO4xMwHK7gIMsbnOnN7Jg8Sl674Ls4G0aBfHCyk",
"evmSignerAddress": "0x3BEFDd935b50F172e696A5187DBaCfEf0D208e48"
"type": "cache-layer",
"url": "https://vwx3eni8c7.eu-west-1.awsapprunner.com",
"providerId": "TEHhCDWy-vGmPSZsYJyM0aP_MM4xESgyIZdf5mVODzg",
"evmSignerAddress": "0x981bdA8276ae93F567922497153de7A5683708d3"
"valueSelectionAlgorithm": "first-valid",
"timeoutMilliseconds": 10000,
"maxTimestampDiffMilliseconds": 150000,
"preVerifySignatureOffchain": true
Get the latest data package
💬 Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.