redux-automata v3.0.1
Finite state machine for Redux
redux-automata - is a Finite State Machine implementation for Redux store. It allows developer to generate Redux reducer automatically based on FST graph object. The library was developed to support the following scenarios:
- Provide different behavior in response to the same action depending on a current state
- Ignore specific actions while in specific states (or better say - react on actions only in specific states)
- Use declarative approach for defining actions, states and transitions instead of switch-case and if-then-else statements
- Add package
npm i redux-automata --save
yarn add redux-automata
- Add automataMiddleware
import { automataMiddleware } from "redux-automata";
const store = Redux.createStore(rootReducer,
automataMiddleware, // adding automata Middleware
The following example is written on Typescript:
import * as Redux from "redux";
import { Automata, automataReducer } from 'redux-automata';
// define the store
export interface StoreState {
message: string;
const automata = new Automata<StoreState>("Counter");
// define states
const Off = automata.state("Off", () => ({ message: "Switched Off" }));
const On = automata.state("On", () => ({ message: "Switched On" }));
// define actions
const Toggle = automata.action("Toggle");
// configure FST: Off => On and On => Off on Toggle
// define initial state
// generate reducer
const reducer = automataReducer(automata);
export {
reducer, // use it in combineReducers
Toggle //use it in dispatch
The similar functionality could be achieved by writing the following reducer:
interface StoreState {
type: string;
message: string;
const initialState = { type: "On", message: "Switched On" };
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) =>{
switch (state.type)
case "Off":
switch (action.type)
case "Toggle":
return { type: "On", message: "Switched On" }
return state;
case "On":
switch (action.type)
case "Toggle":
return { type: "Off", message: "Switched Off" }
return state;
return state;
const Toggle = { type: "Toggle" }
The library defines each state as separate reducer function that accepts typed payload argument. This payload argument should be of the same type that is defined by action that leads to that state.
Redux Automata allows configuring state and actions in declarative way.
Every state is a reducer function that will be executed on entry.
Every action is a function that returns action with type
and payload
Creating States
State function is similar to reducer function.
// definition
(state: TState, arg?: TAction): TState;
In addition to that there is an ability to specify friendly name for the state. Name should be unique within automata.
// returns empty state
const Idle = automata.state("Idle", () => ({});
// returns state with message set to arg
const MessageSet = automata.state("Message is set", (state, arg) => ({ message: arg });
// returns state with existing message value and new value for property count.
const CountSet = automata.state("Count is set", (state, arg) => ({ message: state.message, count: arg })
interface State {
message?: string;
count?: number;
Creating Actions
Defining action is simplified to the point of defining action name (action type
) and strongly typed argument that is expected to receive as a payload
// returns function that accepts <string> and returns { type: "Set Message": payload: "<string>" }
const SetMessage = automata.action<string>("Set Message");
// returns function that accepts <number> and returns { type: "Set Count": payload: <number> }
const SetCount = automata.action<number>("Set Count");
Creating Transitions
Transition is a function that executed when automata switches from one state to another. Async operation is very good representation of what transition is. Here is a good example of fetching data from server:
// ...
const FetchData = (localStore) =>
.then(_ => localStore.dispatch(RequestSucceeded(_))
.catch(_ => localStore.dispatch(RequestFailed(_)));
// ...
.execute(FetchData) // <-- transition
function will be executed right after automata switched to Fetching
Transitions may be defined using the following signature:
(dispatch: LocalStore<TState>, arg: TAction): void
is a dispatch function with two properties: dispatch
and getState
export interface LocalStore<TState, TAction extends PayloadAction = Redux.AnyAction> extends Redux.Dispatch<TAction> {
dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<TAction>;
getState: () => TState;
always returns current automata state. That makes possible to add additional data related conditions for transitions with async operations.
Check State Transitions
Sometimes it is useful to know whenever the action is "invocable" while automata is in specific state. Best use case to describe this scenario is to disable button during async request. In the example above automata is switched to Fetching
state so it should no longer respond to Fetch
action. To access this functionality you may use isInvocable(state)
method on the action and pass current state.
import { ResponseState, Refresh } from './fetch-automata';
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
interface ViewProps {
response?: ResponseState;
canRefresh?: boolean;
refresh?: () => void;
(state: ResponseState) => ({
response: state,
canRefresh: Refresh.isInvocable(state)
(dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<any>) => ({
refresh: () => dispatch(Refresh()),
Then Refresh button may be hidden depending on canRefresh
Task Automation
Along with Automata
there is TaskAutomata
. TaskAutomata
is aimed to be used with common async operations like fetching data from server.
FST Graph of TaskAutomata looks like this:
// reducer
function fetchDataFromServer() : Promise<Data>{
const automata = new TaskAutomata<Data>("Fetch Data", fetchDataFromServer);
automata.setupProcessIn(automata.Idle); // configure all transitions starting in Idle
export const getDataReducer = automataReducer(automata);
export const LoadData = automata.Start;
export const RefreshData = automata.Restart;
// view
interface ViewProps {
result?: TaskState<Data>;
isProcessing: boolean;
error: Error;
load?: () => void;
refresh?: () => void;
state => ({
result?: state.getData.result
isProcessing: state.getData.isProcessing;
error: state.getData.error
(dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<any>) => ({
load: () => dispatch(LoadData()),
refresh: () => dispatch(RefreshData()),
Task Automation Shortcut
While task automata provides flexibility to use, configure and extend basic set of transitions, createTaskAutomation
function define a reusable shortcut:
import { createTaskAutomation, TaskState } from "redux-automata";
// define store state
export type ServerTimeState = TaskState<ServerTimeDto>;
// define promise
function getServerTime(): Promise<ServerTimeDto> {
const api = new ApiClient();
return api.serverTime();
// create automation
const automation = createTaskAutomation<ServerTimeDto>("Get Server Time", getServerTime);
const GetServerTime = automation.start;
const RefreshServerTime = automation.restart;
const reducer = automation.reducer;
export { reducer, GetServerTime, RefreshServerTime };
This will configure finite automation similar to image below:
Example code
All examples code are located in examples
Run Basic example:
yarn basic
Run Async example:
yarn async
Every example static content is served from http://localhost:3000 with hot reload.
All source code is located in src
All tests are located in test
Run build
yarn build
Run tests
yarn test
Run lint
yarn lint
The library was inspired by appccelerate/statemachine.
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