1.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

redux-butler v1.1.3

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4 years ago


Redux Butler


Inspired by reduxsauce, Redux Butler was designed to make working with Redux and Immer even more simple and convenient.

  • ✨ Create actions in seconds with just a tiny configuration object
  • 😱 Action types (enumeration) are generated automatically
  • 😅 Say goodbye to painfully returning state copies with endless spreads
  • 🙌 Create reducers using Immer with a just tiny configuration object
  • 🥳 Works wherever Redux works (yes, also with React and React Native)
  • 🥳 No dependencies except Immer
  • 😎 Short plain vanilla code
  • ✅ Well tested with Jest

When is Redux Butler for me?

  • If you are tired creating Redux actions (with repeating creator pattern and endless type enumerations) and reducers (with endless switch statements) the exhausting way
  • If you want to make use of immutability the easy way incorporating incredible Immer in your project

Getting started

Install Redux Butler:

$ yarn add redux-butler
# or
$ npm install redux-butler


Redux Butler currently offers the two methods createActions and createReducer.


// actions.js

import { createActions } from 'redux-butler';

export const { Types, Creators } = createActions({
  reset: null, 
  loginRequest: ['email', 'password'],
  requestWithDefaultValues: { email: 'joey@example.com', password: '123' },
  custom: (a, b) => ({ total: a + b }),
},{}); // 2nd parameter is for options

The keys of the object will become keys of the Creators. They will also become the keys of the Types after being converted to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE 😱🐍. The values will control the flavour of the action creator.

Action creators with type only

When null is passed, the action creator will only have a type. Example:

creators.reset() // { type: 'RESET}

Action creators with params

When params are passed as an array of strings, an action creator will have a type and return a function with two params. Example:

creators.loginRequest('joey@example.com', '123');
// { type: 'LOGIN_REQUEST', email: 'joey@example.com', password: '123' }

Action creators with defaults

When params are passed with defaults in form of an object, an action creator will have a type and return a function with two defaulted params. Example:

// { type: 'REQUEST_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUES', email: 'joey@example.com', password: '123' }

creators.requestWithDefaultValues('john.doe@example.com', '456'); 
// { type: 'REQUEST_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUES', email: 'john.doe@example.com'', password: '456' }

Action creators with custom functions

When a custom function is passed, the action behaves the default redux way. Type is created automatically.


As options currently only the key prefix is valid. Example:

// createActions with prefix option
export const { Types, Creators } = createActions({
  loginRequest: ['email', 'password'],
},{ prefix: 'auth'});

// will result in
Creators.authLoginRequest('joey@example.com', '123');
// { type: 'AUTH_LOGIN_REQUEST', email: 'joey@example.com', password: '123' }



// reducer.js

import { createReducer } from 'redux-butler';
import { Types } from './actions';

const intitialState = { email: null, password: null };

// Sample reducer function
const loginRequest = (action, draft) => {
  const { email, password } = action;
  draft.email = email;
  draft.password = password;

// Map Action Types to reducer functions in the handler object
const handlers = {
  [Types.RESET]: null,
  [Types.LOGIN_REQUEST]: loginRequest,

const reducer = createReducer(intitialState, handlers);
export default reducer;

Easy as pie. Define an initial state (as you would do anyway), create a tiny handler object and inject into the createReducer function. You may just export the reducer or even merge multiple reducers with Redux's combineReducers().

Handlers with null are reset handlers

E.g. [Types.RESET]: null will return the initial state as new state (reset). No more need to write a reset function.

Handlers with (action, draft) => {} functions

Those are the regular reducer functions with Redux Butler. action will make your payload accessible, while draft represents current state, that will be returned as the next state, using Immer's produce() behind the scenes. Just modify draft to your taste. That's it!

Licence (MIT)



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