0.4.8 • Published 4 years ago

redux-components-list v0.4.8

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4 years ago


A List component for redux-components, implementing an array of subcomponents that can be dynamically modified.


redux-components-list provides ComponentList, which is a higher-order redux-component that implements an array of state whose nodes can be dynamically altered through Redux actions. The sub-array is implemented internally using ComponentMap

ComponentList is useful when:

  • You need to dynamically attach and detach nodes to your Redux state tree at run time. For example, if you are keeping React state in Redux and your React component structure is itself dynamic.
  • You need to rehydrate from a state whose shape can only be known at runtime.
  • You are developing a component whose subtree's shape depends on component state. The ComponentList abstraction contains correct code for this use case, which is not easy to implement while honoring the Redux contract.

ComponentList is NOT NEEDED when:

  • You are looking for an ordinary array of items inside Redux. Use a plain array for that.


{ ComponentList } = require 'redux-components-list'

Type Map

ComponentList is a higher-order object. Its constructor takes a typeMap and returns a ReduxComponentClass which can then be mounted to your state tree:

ComponentList = (typeMap) -> instanceof ReduxComponentClass

Fundamentally, the ComponentList works by pickling your ReduxComponents into a descriptor that goes into a metadata field in your store. This pickled state should obey the Redux best practice of being a plain, serializable JS object.

To get back and forth between these plain objects and ReduxComponents, the typeMap function is provided by the user:

typeMap = (userTypeDescriptor) -> ComponentDescriptor

The typeMap must return a ComponentDescriptor which will be passed along to the createComponent API in redux-components.

This allows you to solve the classical object serialization problem -- how to preserve the type of a serialized object -- in whatever way is appropriate for your problem domain. In most cases, a simple mapping from strings to types will do:

{ ComponentList } = require 'redux-components-map'
componentTypes = { Component1, Component2, Component3 } = require 'myReduxComponents'
myTypeMap = (descriptor) -> componentTypes[descriptor]
myComponentListClass = ComponentList(myTypeMap)

In fact, this use case is so common that an Object can be passed directly as the typeMap in which case it will be automatically wrapped in a lookup function. The above code is then equivalent to:

myComponentClass = ComponentMap({ Component1, Component2, Component3 })

When using lists, often times all components of the list are the same. An example of this is a React component that embeds a dynamic list of similar subcomponents, with state being kept in Redux. In such cases a typeMap might take the form:

myTypeMap = () -> MyComponent

Then use e.g. componentList.push(true) to add repeated copies of the generic component.

NB: The typeMap MUST be a pure function of its descriptor. Descriptors MUST be primitives or plain serializable objects.

Mounting to State Tree

Once you have a component list, you must mount it to a state tree. The following code will mount the compoment list to the root of a fresh Redux store:

{ createStore } = require 'redux'
{ mountRootComponent } = require 'redux-components'
store = createStore( (x) -> x )
list = new myComponentListClass()
mountRootComponent(store, list)

Of course the ComponentList is a ReduxComponent, so it can be mounted anywhere you want using the subtree functionality provided by redux-components. You can even put a ComponentList in another ComponentList!



instance.get = (index) -> (instanceof ReduxComponent) | undefined

Gets the ReduxComponent instance at the given list position, if it exists, or undefined otherwise.


instance.length = integer

The number of items in the list.


instance.forEach = (iterator: (item, index, list) ->, thisArg) -> undefined

Calls the iterator function for each item in the list, as in Array.forEach


instance.map = (iterator: (item, index, list) -> item, thisArg) -> [items...]

Calls the iterator function for each item in the list, collecting the return values in an array, as in Array.foreach



instance.push = (...descriptors) -> undefined

Adds elements (obtained by applying typeMap to the given descriptors) to the end of the list.


instance.unshift = (...descriptors) -> undefined

Adds elements (obtained by applying typeMap to the given descriptors) to the beginning of the list.


instance.splice = (index, howMany, ...descriptors) -> undefined

At the given array index, deletes howMany elements (can be zero), then adds an element for each provided descriptor. Similar to Array.splice

NB: Unlike Array.splice, negative indices are not accepted and removed data is not returned.


Why no instance.set?

Think what instance.set would mean: you would be changing the descriptor of a component -- the blueprint from which it was constructed -- without unmounting it or changing its internal state.

Attempting to change the descriptor of a component in place is usually indicative of a design problem. ReduxComponents are not state and any state they hold should be in the Redux store. Think carefully about your tree design. Can you accomplish what you want by factoring the mutation down into the subtree as a new action? If so, you should do that! Don't use a fancy dynamic component to skirt around the need for good Redux design.

If after careful thought you find you still need to change the descriptor of a component with the same key, use splice() to unmount the existing component, then mount a new one with a new descriptor.

What do I do with unknown types in my typeMap?

The ComponentList will throw an error if at any time the typeMap doesn't return a valid ComponentDescriptor when it's called. Thus, if you want to handle unknown data, you must design your typeMap so it always returns a ComponentDescriptor even if your app doesn't understand the data type.

Remember, though, that one kind of valid ComponentDescriptor is a plain reducer! So if your typeMap wants to handle unknown data, you can just return the identity function as a reducer whenever you see a type you don't know. Then your ComponentList will preserve that data unchanged while operating on the types that your typeMap understands.